And we were worried about Nibiru, Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), X-Flares, and Pole Shifts.
In 1978, NASA scientists researched and reported on a mass of electrified magnetized plasma that could change the modern world forever in its ability to take out electrical and communication grids. Without the technology to actually "see" what could not be seen with conventional telescopes and equipment, the scientists theorized and postulated the existence of such matter nevertheless. The report was not publicized or made known to the general public.
The following report written by Chad Adams, posted on Pane Andov's web site:
“If the power is affected… it will be a long time down… most communications will be down far
“The solar system entering the interstellar cloud causing the slowing of the sun conveyor leading to increased CME activity initiating a sustained ion exchange flow to the planets via amplified flux transfer events.”
“A normal CME is a discharge of plasma… it travels through space and encounters the protective shield (magnetosphere) of earth and mostly deflects around the earth…
…Instead of just a discharge event, the exchange would become a continuous stream using the magnetized cloud as a conductive pathway, if this has merit then a continuous solar stream would be a lot different than a CME discharge…
…It would be a sustained plasma exchange.”
The event that is coming is a natural occurrence and it concerns something affecting the sun, NOT slamming into the Earth. It is already affecting the sun as evidenced by the solar filaments. The sun is already reacting to ‘forces’ we can’t see.
Something is coming. Does NASA know about this ‘something’? Well, yes they do,
but only to a certain extent. Everyone thinks that NASA has all the answers and that
they know everything but for some reason or another has decided to keep quiet. I
do not think that is the case. I believe there is a lot out there that NASA and the
other space agencies like the ESA and JAXA are clueless about. After all, the
universe is immense beyond belief, and possibly infinite. My belief is that these
space agencies keep quiet because they do not know everything, and therefore they
refuse to disclose certain subjects, discoveries and events until they have a firmer
grasp of the situations or discoveries.
They are in a quandary. What if an event comes along that has never been explored
by modern science? What of newly made discoveries that were thought to be
impossible, yet are manifesting in our own solar system, and quickly? And what if
these events are hard to ‘see’ with present equipment, present satellites and
telescopes, present technology? A vast problem arises. Nothing is set in stone. The
event can cause completely unknown processes in our solar system to begin taking
place. The solutions to these processes are out of reach, even to NASA. Even the
time-frame as to exactly when the processes will begin influencing terrestrial
changes is impossible to track down. Why? Not enough data and not enough time
to accumulate data.
I ask you to imagine the predicament. Objectscan be invisible in space. Energies
can be invisible in space. And this includes a massive moving celestial ‘system’ of
some unforeseen sort. So when satellites and telescopes and energy detecting
equipment shoots incomplete data back to earth to be studied by scientists, there
are huge invisible areas of the subject being studied. Are they seeing it all? Are
they seeing only 1% of it? Are they seeing 75% of it?There is no way to tell! They
cannot figure out the mass or composition of this incoming celestial system. They
cannot tell the extent of it, and worse of all, they cannot tell the extent of influence it
will have to our solar system, to our sun.
At this point you might be wondering what I am talking about. Well, this is exactly
the problems we face at this moment. Something has entered our solar system. And
the majority of its system is something that modern science had thought could not
exist. It is a stream of discoveries that are hinting at a celestial anomaly that is
currently rewriting foundational concepts on how our solar system interacts with
interstellar space. And, it is much, much too close. Therear e going to be changes.
This is not prophecy, it is not imagination, and it is not science fiction.
This research I have put together is a pure collection of scientific articles. There is a
celestial system that has moved into our solar system. The full extent of this system
cannot be determined because the majority of this string of events lies outside
scientific knowledge and data gathering. It is affecting the planets and moons of the
solar system, and has been for at least the last decade or more. It is a body of
increased, dense energy kept together by magnetics…and much, much more. The
most pressing concern is the affect it will have on our sun, and it has arrived at the
worst possible moment, that is when our sun is heading towards a solar maximum
cycle that is, in and of itself, already predicted to be the most active cycle that
modern man has and will experience: Solar Cycle 24. To put it mildly, it has the
capability of causing a sustained electro-magnetic pulse across the entire Earth, for
months, years, decades, centuries… for millennia.
Now, let’s take a closer look at what is out there.
The first discovery of this anomaly was released by NASA in an article entitledGia nt
Ribbon Discovered at the Edge of the Solar System around October 15, 2009.
The anomaly consisted of a ribbon of magnetics. Scientists said about this ribbon,
“We had no idea this ribbon existed–or what has created it. Our previous ideas
about the outer heliosphere are going to have to be revised.”
Giant Ribbon Discovered at the Edge of the Solar System
Then, a couple months on December 23, 2009, in the December 24th article of
Nature magazine, NASA releases an article entitled Voyager Makes an
Interstellar Discovery which claims in the very first sentence, “The solar system is
passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist.”This new
discovery, the information of which was just released in this December 2009 article,
was not actually a new discovery. I dug and dug and found a scientific paper that
was written over thirty-one years ago. That’s right, 31 years! In 1978 a little
unknown scientific research paper was finished. Its findings were presented to
NASA, its importance hidden away in archives, never seeing the light of day.
From the 1978 scientific paper provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
entitled, “Is the Solar System Entering a Nearby Interstellar Cloud?” written by
Alfred Vidal-Madjar, Claudine Laurent, Paul Bruston, & J. Audouze, an amazing
discovery was being researched. It had to do with our solar system entering an
interstellar ‘cloud’ and the possible repercussions of such an event. Below is a
summary of their findings found in the Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, vol. 223, July
15, 1978, p. 589-600 which is part of the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
I included this snippet as much of the information in this article is mathematic
formula and graphs. The entire paper can be viewed at the link provided below.
*snip*Page 599, Part VI
[link to]
…”The presence of a nearby cloud might also affect the physical
conditions inside the solar system…
…an encounter with a cloud might not only affect neutrino flux release from
the Sun but also have some drastic influence on the terrestrial climate
in the next 10,000 years…
…The observations and analyses mentioned here suggest the
presence of a very close interstellar cloud which should encounter the
solar system in the “near” future. However, the complexity of the
interstellar medium is not completely understood, it would not be
surprising if the situation is far more complicated than indicated in
this paper.”
*end snip*
Thirty-One years later NASA finally decided to bring this information to light via the article on December 23, 2009, in the December 24th issue ofN atur e magazine. They cleverly gave this interstellar cloud an extremely unimposing name: Local Fluff.
Voyager Makes an Interstellar Discovery
“Voyager data show that the Fluff is much more strongly magnetized than
anyone had previously suspected—between 4 and 5 microgauss*,” says
Opher. “This magnetic field can provide the extra pressure required to resist
The fact that the Fluff is strongly magnetized means that other clouds
in the galactic neighborhood could be, too. Eventually, the solar
system will run into some of them, and their strong magnetic fields
could compress the heliosphere even more than it is compressed
To read the original research, look in the Dec. 24, 2009, issue of Nature for Opher et al’s article, “A strong, highly-tilted interstellar magnetic field near the Solar System.”
[link to]
Another article is found here:
Fluffy Mystery at Edge of Solar System Solved
By Staff
posted: 23 December 2009
03:54 pm ET
So what’s holding the Fluff in place?
“Using data from Voyager, we have discovered a strong magnetic
field just outside the solar system,” explained Merav Opher, a NASA
Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason University. “This
magnetic field holds the interstellar cloud together ["The Fluff"] and solves
the long-standing puzzle of how it can exist at all.”
The Fluff is much more strongly magnetized than anyone had
previously suspected,” Opher said. “This magnetic field can provide
the extra pressure required to resist destruction.”
“Their strong magnetic fields could compress the heliosphere even
more than it is compressed now,” according to NASA. “Additional
compression could allow more cosmic rays to reach the inner solar
system, possibly affecting terrestrial climate and the ability of
astronauts to travel safely through space.”
So this cloud is held together by immense magnetics that can compress the
heliosphere, something like a pressure cooker. This makes the interior of the
heliosphere have more intense, denser energies, as well as increasing the amount of
cosmic rays reaching the inner solar system.
Do you want proof of this process happening? Well, I have found two articles on this
phenomenon. One article is the toned down press release article, delivered for
public consumption entitled Cosmic Rays Hit Space Age High 09.28.09.
Cosmic Rays Hit Space Age High 09.28.09
Energetic iron nuclei counted by the Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer on
NASA’s Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft reveal that cosmic
ray levels have jumped 19% above the previous Space Age high.
“In 2009, cosmic ray intensities have increased 19% beyond
anything we’ve seen in the past 50 years,” says Richard Mewaldt of
Caltech. “The increase is significant, and it could mean we need to re-
think how much radiation shielding astronauts take with them on deep-space
The cause of the surge is solar minimum, a deep lull in solar activity that
began around 2007 and continues today. Researchers have long known that
cosmic rays go up when solar activity goes down. Right now solar activity is
as weak as it has been in modern times, setting the stage for what
Mewaldt calls “a perfect storm of cosmic rays.”
The sun’s magnetic field is weak. “There has been a sharp decline in
the sun’s interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) down to only 4
nanoTesla (nT) from typical values of 6 to 8 nT,” he says. “This
record-low IMF undoubtedly contributes to the record-high cosmic
ray fluxes.”
The solar wind is flagging. “Measurements by the Ulysses spacecraft
show that solar wind pressure is at a 50-year low,” he continues, “so
the magnetic bubble that protects the solar system is not being
inflated as much as usual.” A smaller bubble gives cosmic rays a shorter-
shot into the solar system. Once a cosmic ray enters the solar system, it
must “swim upstream” against the solar wind. Solar wind speeds have
dropped to very low levels in 2008 and 2009, making it easier than
usual for a cosmic ray to proceed.
The current sheet is flattening. Imagine the sun wearing a ballerina’s
skirt as wide as the entire solar system with an electrical current
flowing along the wavy folds. That is the “heliospheric current sheet,”
a vast transition zone where the polarity of the sun’s magnetic field
changes from plus (north) to minus (south). The current sheet is
important because cosmic rays tend to be guided by its folds. Lately,
the current sheet has been flattening itself out, allowing cosmic rays
more direct access to the inner solar system.
“If the flattening continues as it has in previous solar minima, we
could see cosmic ray fluxes jump all the way to 30% above previous
Space Age highs,” predicts Mewaldt.
“The space era has so far experienced a time of relatively low cosmic
ray activity,” says Mewaldt. “We may now be returning to levels
typical of past centuries.”
NASA spacecraft will continue to monitor the situation as solar minimum
unfolds. Stay tuned for updates.
Now for the research paper on this subject of increased cosmic rays. Of course, they
have known about this for a while too, as this paper was written in ’93-’94. There
seems to be a lot of information out there that they are very reluctant to tell us
about. But again, I feel this is due to lack of complete understanding of the
So, we know there has been an influx of cosmic rays due to a number of things, the
major reason being the shrinking of the heliosphere from Fluff the Magnetic Cloud
and from the extended, never-before-seen inactive Solar Cycle 24 minimum the sun
recently experienced (explained later).
What happens when these ‘extra’ cosmic rays reach Earth? Well, some of them
punch through the earth’s magnetic field and get trapped between the twin Van Allen
Belts and just bounce back and forth between the two,accum ula t ing.
In 1993-1994 a research paper concerning this was sent out in a press release of a
newly discovered phenomenon concerning a new radiation belt located around the
Earth. This new radiation belt is located between the Van Allen Belts and consists of
the trapped cosmic rays.
In 1992, between the months of August and November, they found that the amount
of cosmic rays in this new ‘radiation belt’ had doubled! Since then, we have a
shrinking heliosphere and had the deepest solar minimum ever studied during Solar
Cycle 24, which allowed an even greater influx of cosmic rays to enter our solar
system. You can think of it like our ‘shields’ were at an extreme minimum for the
last decade and more. During that entire time we had an unprecedented influx of
cosmic rays punching through our ‘shield’.
Further, and you won’t believe this, guess where the largest accumulation of these
anomalous cosmic rays is trapped…
South Atlantic Anomaly:
Here is the press release from May 25, 1993 entitled, “Scientists Locate
New Radiation Belt Around Earth”.
[link to]
The belt is most intense above a 5,000-mile (8,050- kilometer) strip
of Atlantic Ocean between the southern tips of South America and
Africa, Caltech and NASA scientists said at the annual meeting of the
American Geophysical Union in Baltimore, Md., on Tuesday, May 25.
The belt is composed of particles known as anomalous cosmic rays,
which are the result of the sun’s interaction with tenuous gas that exists
between the stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
” The belt in which the anomalous cosmic rays collect is embedded
within the inner of the two Van Allen belts. The geometry of these belts
is determined by the Earth’s magnetic field lines, which connect the North
and South magnetic poles.
“The cosmic rays become trapped in this field, where they bounce
back and forth between the poles of Earth’s magnetic field,”said
Caltech’s Dr. Richard Mewaldt, a member of the SAMPEX team along with Caltech colleagues Drs. Jay Cummings, Alan Cummings, Richard Selesnick and Edward Stone.
The rays are the most intense in the 5,000-mile (8,050-
kilometer) strip between South America and Africa, Mewaldt said,
because the Earth’s magnetic field is not centered perfectly, and this
is where it allows the trapped particles to get closest to the planet’s
SAMPEX scientists said trapped cosmic rays can be stored in the belt for
weeks or more, so the intensity can build up over time as more arrive.
More of the cosmic rays collect in the belt during periods of minimum
solar activity, which follows an 11- year cycle.
The trapped radiation has doubled between August and November 1992, according to SAMPEX measurements, and now is about 100 times the intensity of the anomalous cosmic rays in interplanetary space.
“This long-term storage will give the SAMPEX team a unique opportunity to
study the properties of interstellar matter right in Earth’s back yard,” Mewaldt
SAMPEX was launched in July 1992 on a Scout rocket from
Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. The satellite is managed by Goddard for the
Office of Space Science at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
In another study done, NASA announced the ‘discovery’ of a ‘previously unidentified nearby source of high-energy cosmic rays’. It seems that your guess is as good as theirs as to what might be the unknown source.
RELEASE : 08-301
Mysterious Source of High-Energy Cosmic Radiation Discovered
WASHINGTON — Scientists announced Wednesday the discovery of a
previously unidentified nearby source of high-energy cosmic rays.T he
finding was made with a NASA-funded balloon-borne instrument high over
…The new results show an unexpected surplus of cosmic ray
electrons at very high energy — 300-800 billion electron volts — that
must come from a previously unidentified source or from the
annihilation of very exotic theoretical particles used to explain dark
“This electron excess cannot be explained by the standard model of
cosmic ray origin,” said John P. Wefel, ATIC project principal
investigator and a professor at Louisiana State. “There must be
another source relatively near us that is producing these additional
According to the research, this source would need to be within about
3,000 light years of the sun. It could be an exotic object such as a
pulsar, mini-quasar, supernova remnant or an intermediate mass
black hole.
“These results may be the first indication of a very interesting object
near our solar system waiting to be studied by other instruments,”
Wefel said.
We are beginning to validate the affect that things are having in our solar system,
and the overall cause of these increasing dangers.
For a small recap:
Astronomers call the cloud we’re running into now the Local Interstellar Cloud or
“Local Fluff” for short. It’s about 30 light years wide and contains a wispy mixture of
hydrogen and helium atoms at a temperature of 6000 C. The existential mystery of
the Fluff has to do with its surroundings. About 10 million years ago, a cluster of
supernovas exploded nearby, creating a giant bubble of million-degree gas. The Fluff
is completely surrounded by this high-pressure supernova exhaust and should be
crushed or dispersed by it.
The reason the Local Fluff doesn’t disperse out into space is that it is highly
The fact that the Fluff is strongly magnetized means that other clouds in the galactic neighborhood could be, too. Eventually, the solar system will run into some of them, and their strong magnetic fields could compress the heliosphere even more than it is compressed now. Additional compression could allow more cosmic rays to reach the inner solar system, possibly affecting terrestrial climate and the ability of astronauts
to travel safely through space. On the other hand, astronauts wouldn’t have to travel
so far because interstellar space would be closer than ever.
This magnetized fluff is not supposed to be able to enter our heliosphere, which is
good news:
The Fluff is held at bay just beyond the edge of the solar system by the sun’s
magnetic field, which is inflated by solar wind into a magnetic bubble more than 10
billion km wide. Called the “heliosphere,” this bubble acts as a shield that helps
protect the inner solar system from galactic cosmic rays and interstellar clouds. The
two Voyagers are located in the outermost layer of the heliosphere, or “heliosheath,”
where the solar wind is slowed by the pressure of interstellar gas.
Below is an artist’s rendition of what this ‘Fluff’ may look like:
Increasing amounts of cosmic rays penetrating not only the heliosphere, but the
Earth’s atmosphere as well.
The new results show an unexpected surplus of cosmic ray electrons at very high
energy — 300-800 billion electron volts — that must come from a previously
unidentified source or from the annihilation of very exotic theoretical particles used
to explain dark matter.
“This electron excess cannot be explained by the standard model of cosmic ray
origin,” said John P. Wefel, ATIC project principal investigator and a professor at
Louisiana State. “There must be another source relatively near us that is producing
these additional particles.”
And the Sun’s unusual minimum which helps increase cosmic ray influx as well.
The sun’s magnetic field is weak. “There has been a sharp decline in the sun’s
interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) down to only 4 nanoTesla (nT) from typical
values of 6 to 8 nT,” he says. “This record-low IMF undoubtedly contributes to the
record-high cosmic ray fluxes.”
In NASA’s own words, it is something external to our heliosphere that is affecting our
solar system as discussed above, but this painting is far from finished. This incoming
string of anomalies has the potential to increase and power up the sun’s solar
capacitor. Along with that the sun is entering the solar cycle maximum of Solar
Cycle 24, as part of its natural cycle. These two factors could cause EMP type effects
from solar filaments collapsing and producing hyder-flares, Coronal Mass Ejections,
solar flares and numerous other ‘solar storm’ events.
We must put into place the increase of cosmic rays as well and the discovery of the
‘new’ radiation belt that is a collection point of cosmic rays in earth’s own
atmosphere. The largest collection point in this new belt is the area between the
southern tip of South America and stretching over seas to South Africa, the area
known as the South Atlantic Anomaly where the earth’s magnetic field is the
I will bring in another important find that relates to the belts and fields that
encompass and protect the earth system; there are massive ‘holes’, or breaches, in
Earth’s magnetic field. This finding was released by NASA in December 16 of 2008.
A Giant Breach in Earth’s Magnetic Field
Dec. 16, 2008: NASA’s five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a
breach in Earth’s magnetic field ten times larger than anything
previously thought to exist. Solar wind can flow in through the
opening to “load up” the magnetosphere for powerful geomagnetic
storms. But the breach itself is not the biggest surprise. Researchers
are even more amazed at the strange and unexpected way it forms,
overturning long-held ideas of space physics.
“At first I didn’t believe it,” says THEMIS project scientist David
Sibeck of the Goddard Space Flight Center. “This finding
fundamentally alters our understanding of the solar wind-
magnetosphere interaction.”
“The opening was huge—four times wider than Earth itself,”says
Wenhui Li, a space physicist at the University of New Hampshire who has
been analyzing the data. Li’s colleague Jimmy Raeder, also of New
Hampshire, says “1027 particles per second were flowing into the
magnetosphere—that’s a 1 followed by 27 zeros. This kind of influx is
an order of magnitude greater than what we thought was possible.”
Like an octopus wrapping its tentacles around a big clam, solar
magnetic fields draped themselves around the magnetosphere and
cracked it open. The cracking was accomplished by means of a
process called “magnetic reconnection.”
“So, you can imagine our surprise when a northern IMF came along
and shields wentdo wn instead,” says Sibeck. “This completely
overturns our understanding of things.”
Northern IMF events don’t actually trigger geomagnetic storms, notes
Raeder, but they do set the stage for storms by loading the
magnetosphere with plasma. A loaded magnetosphere is primed for
auroras, power outages, and other disturbances that can result when,
say, a CME (coronal mass ejection) hits.
The years ahead could be especially lively. Raeder explains:”We’r e
entering Solar Cycle 24. For reasons not fully understood, CMEs in
even-numbered solar cycles (like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading
edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME should open a breach and
load the magnetosphere with plasma just before the storm gets
underway. It’s the perfect sequence for a really big event.”
Sibeck agrees. “This could result in stronger geomagnetic storms than we
have seen in many years.”
Another recent discovery concerning the earth’s magnetosphere is almost impossible
to believe. It is like something out of science fiction, as many of these new findings
seem to be. There is a cord that connects the earth to the sun! A gigantic cord
made from magnetics that connect the sun directly to the interior of the
magnetosphere. They are magnetic ‘portals’ that are called “magnetic flux tubes”.
Impossible to believe? Here is the article:
Oct. 30, 2008: During the time it takes you to read this article, something will
happen high overhead that until recently many scientists didn’t believe in.A
magnetic portal will open, linking Earth to the sun 93 million miles
away. Tons of high-energy particles may flow through the opening
before it closes again, around the time you reach the end of the page.
“It’s called a flux transfer event or ‘FTE,’” says space physicist David Sibeck of
the Goddard Space Flight Center. “Ten years ago I was pretty sure they
didn’t exist, but now the evidence is incontrovertible.”
An artist’s concept of Earth’s magnetic field connecting to the sun’s–a.k.a. a
“flux transfer event”–with a spacecraft on hand to measure particles and
There are many unanswered questions: Why do the portals form every 8
minutes? How do magnetic fields inside the cylinder twist and coil? “We’re
doing some heavy thinking about this at the Workshop,” says Sibeck.
Meanwhile, high above your head, a new portal is opening, connecting your
planet to the sun.
Hamlet to Horatio – “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Now, I remember reading these articles from a year or two ago, and I also
remembered reading something about a Wave that was coming towards us from
interstellar space. There was no scientific data on it, but was an extension of the
theory of the Photon Belt.
The Photon Belt
In 1961 science discovered, by means of satellites, a photon belt encircling
the Pleiades. This photon belt * circles the Pleiadian system at an absolute
right angle to its orbital planes. As our sun (and we with it) orbits the
Pleiades once every 25,860 years, it reaches the midpoint of the photon belt
approximately every 12,500 years. It requires some 2,000 years to traverse
it, meaning that after departing this realm, another 10,500 years pass before
our Solar System enters it again.
Before going any further, we should be mindful of the fact that this particular
cycle is nestled within a number of greater cycles. What distinguishes this
particular cycle from all its previous occurrences is that it culminates,
together with all the other cycles of which it is but a part–including the
overall cycle of 206 million years, in one single point of convergence. This is
also called the Harmonic Convergence.
* Photon Belt: Huge torroid or “belt” of inter-dimensional Light that
passes through this part of Milky Way galaxy in 26,000-year cycle.
Last encountered at beginning of 1997. Fortunately, Earth was put
into special hole in it that was drilled by a coherent bow wave of
gamma particles from a nova that was first observed by astronomers
in 1987.
In 1962 we entered the sphere of influence of this photon belt. Calculations
approximate the year of the actual entry into its mainstream to be 2011. This
correlates with the time when the universe reaches its point of maximum
expansion. The East familiarizes us with the contraction and expansion
rhythm of the universe as the Inbreath and Outbreath of God–each breath
covering a time span (in this density) in the vicinity of 11,000 years. It is no
coincidence that this time frame corresponds with the Grand Cycles, the orbit
of our sun around the central sun Alcione.
The transition into super-consciousness, [also called] the second Coming of
Christ, is to occur at the precise moment of suspension of movement between
expansion and contraction, going parallel with the entry into the radiation of
the photon belt. This energy is also referred to as the Manasic Vibration or
Radiation. Astrophysical calculations, based on the sun’s speed traveling
through space (29 km/s) — and Earth’s own movement — indicate that we
will enter the photon belt at a speed of 208,800 km/h. The actual entry of
Earth into the Manasic Vibration will occur in the twinkling of an eye.
The energy of the photon belt is of etheric and spiritual nature, not
physical, but it interacts with and affects the physical. The 10,500
years of darkness between the 2000-year periods of light afford incarnating
Man repeatedly his spiritual evolution. As the majority of humans become
forgetful of their Divine source and purpose during these Earthly sojourns,
the periods of Light serve a dual purpose. They represent a sorting-out
process, gathering matured souls into the Light of the Spirit and affording the
weaker, just maturing souls a stabilization period of respite and an
opportunity for further spiritual growth.
The individuals who could not or would not acknowledge Divine Love as the
essence of their being during the 10,500 year period of incarnations are given
another chance again. In this sense –and in this sense only–it is The Day of
Judgment, for it is Man who judges himself.
The entry of Earth into the Manasic Radiation constitutes the fulfillment of the
deepest hopes of the human soul. Much scare has been generated since the
time of David, prophesying the coming transition into Light. This may have
been justified in order to shake the apathy from Man, inciting him to look
within. Today’s generations, however, are less in need of pressure induced
through fear of coming events than an enlightening approach addressing their
No matter what your stance, whether in agreement with the idea of The Photon Belt
or the utter contempt for the idea, the similarities in what is occurring cannot be
understated. Remove your biases and think of possibilities. I now know, according
to the pure science I have researched, that changes are being manifested to our own
solar system are literally galactic in scale. There have been ideas proposed that
were once thought to be impossible and fantasy, only to be found to be a part of our
reality. At no other time in the known history of human beings is there a more
important time to remain open minded. The world scientists, as an entirety, do not
know, and cannot figure out, the changes that are upon us at this moment.They
are out of their league.They are finding manifestations that the smartest of minds
are quoted as saying should not exist.
So, this ‘ribbon’ of magnetism we are heading into, could it be the ‘Wave’ that has
been mentioned before. The Wave is supposed to be an area of increased energy
that the solar system is supposed to fly through. BUT, what if the actual Wave isn’t
increased ‘energy’, but this magnetism, this Local Fluff, and as our heliosphere and
the various gravity fields of our system interact with the ‘ribbon of magnetism’
(NASA), it causes unknown energy exchanges that can be very dynamic to occur on
all the bodies in the solar system.
But, we have a problem in trying to figure out if this is the case. The entire of the
world’s space agencies cannot figure out what is real! As I said, they have massive
gaps in data of this coming grand anomaly. For the last few years there have been
quiet ongoing missions to send up ‘birds’, or satellites, to fill in these gaps of
information. But it seems to be far too little too late. And some of this data that
makes it onto the web has to have an explanation. If the agencies cannot come up
with a plausible explanation according to the data, than the information must remain
close to the chest. And from some of the inside information I have gathered, the
agencies cannot even figure out what is ‘real’ out there.
Sounds strange, doesn’t it?
So NASA has observations of things, but cannot explain them. The answers are simply not there. They do not know what is ‘real’ because they cannot figure out what would cause events as described in the above article.
We come now to the crux of the problem. The sun. Not the sun in and of itself, but the reaction of the sun’s system to this enigma, this mystery that is 300 light-years across that we are converging with.
To begin, I’ll start with the article from UCAR Magazine dated December 3, 2009,
Looking Within the Min
A prolonged solar minimum gives researchers plenty to mull
If the last few years have seen a so-called quiet Sun, its silence has spoken volumes.
Researchers have taken advantage of a raft of new sensors and a special observing
campaign, the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) in early 2008, to learn much about
what happens when the sun temporarily powers down.
This plot of sunspot numbers, updated monthly through December 2009, shows the measured peak of the last solar cycle in blue and the predicted peak of the next solar cycle in red. Although the average minimum occurs 5-6 years after maximum, solar activity remains well below levels observed a decade ago. NOAA’s website hasa
larger version. (Image courtesy NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center.)
Not since the first decade of the 20th century has overall solar activity
remained so low for so long. In 2007 a panel of solar prediction experts
convened by NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (see “On the Web”)
called for the next solar peak (the apex of solar cycle 24) to occur around
late 2011 or early 2012. However, cycle 24 has gotten off to a slow start,
with only sporadic sunspots thus far. The panel now considers the next peak
unlikely to arrive until at least 2013.
Along with its tardiness, the recent minimum has been unusually deep by several
measures extending back at least half a century, when space-age sensing began.
The amount of sunspot activity has been at its lowest point since
1913, with the Sun spot-free for 266 days in 2008 and more than 250
days in 2009 (or about 70% of the time in both years).
Radio emissions from the Sun at the 10.7-centimeter wavelength-a
marker of incoming extreme ultraviolet radiation-were at their lowest
levels ever recorded in late 2008, as noted by Roderick Heelis
(University of Texas at Dallas) and colleagues in Geophysical
Research Letters last July.
The solar wind magnetic field measured at Earth weakened
throughout mid-2009, reaching lows in recent months never before
observed during the space age.
Cosmic rays, which are partially blocked from reaching Earth by solar
activity, hit a record high this summer, as noted by NASA and Richard
Mewaldt (California Institute of Technology). “The increase is
significant, and it could mean we need to rethink how much radiation
shielding astronauts take with them on deep-space missions,” says
The listless Sun has allowed Earth’s thermosphere to chill to record
cold temperatures. This has reduced the density of the atmosphere at
around 400 kilometers (250 miles), the altitude of low-Earth orbiting
objects such as the International Space Station. In that height range,
the thermosphere was about 30% less dense during the recent
minimum as opposed to the previous one, according to NCAR’s Stan
Of course the natural question is what does this exactly mean? This is further
evidence of a significant minimum in the solar cycle which results in more cosmic
rays and interstellar particles penetrating into the heliosphere. The interstellar
energies now have a much better chance of reaching the inner orbit planets.
We, as humans, are beginning to see that everything truly is connected, and in a
manner more direct than we ever thought possible. In the last few thousand years,
we have been lucky that the Solar System has been submerged in a relatively low-
density could cavity (interstellar medium), but now it seems our luck is spinning.
One of the only external systems of such a scale to affect the sun and the magnetic
field of the sun would be the Interstellar Medium and/or plasma clouds. To make
things more difficult in studying them, or in attempting to fathom what is coming, is
that the ISM and plasma clouds are virtually invisible due to dust absorption of light,
reflectivity as well as the Electro-Magnetic properties they exhibit.
The surprises that science is finding are occurring everywhere, and it seems all of
them are baffling scientists. Changes are occurring, but with no understanding of
what these changes may bring, scientists are at a loss to explain them…everywhere
you look, you find the words uttered, “Something is going on that we do
not understand.”
July 15, 2010: NASA-funded researchers are monitoring a big event
in our planet’s atmosphere. High above Earth’s surface where the
atmosphere meets space, a rarefied layer of gas called “the
thermosphere” recently collapsed and now is rebounding again.
Layers of Earth’s upper atmosphere. Credit: John Emmert/NRL. [larger image
“This is the biggest contraction of the thermosphere in at least 43
years,” says John Emmert of the Naval Research Lab, lead author of a paper
announcing the finding in the June 19th issue of the Geophysical Research
Letters (GRL). “It’s a Space Age record.”
The collapse happened during the deep solar minimum of 2008-2009—a fact which comes as little surprise to researchers. The thermosphere always cools and contracts when solar activity is low. In this case, however, the
magnitude of the collapse was two to three times greater than low
solar activity could explain.
“Something is going on that we do not understand,” says Emmert.
These plots show how the density of the thermosphere (at a fiducial height of 400 km) has waxed and waned during the past four solar cycles. Frames (a) and (c) are density; frame (b) is the sun’s radio intensity at a wavelength of 10.7 cm, a key indicator of solar activity. Note the yellow circled region. In 2008 and 2009, the density of the thermosphere was 28% lower than expectations set by previous solar minima. Credit: Emmert et al. (2010), Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L12102.
How do you know what’s happening all the way up in the thermosphere?
Emmert uses a clever technique: Because satellites feel aerodynamic
drag when they move through the thermosphere, it is possible to
monitor conditions there by watching satellites decay. He analyzed
the decay rates of more than 5000 satellites ranging in altitude
between 200 and 600 km and ranging in time between 1967 and
2010. This provided a unique space-time sampling of thermospheric
density, temperature, and pressure covering almost the entire Space
Age. In this way he discovered that the thermospheric collapse of
2008-2009 was not only bigger than any previous collapse, but also
bigger than the sun alone could explain.
According to Emmert and colleagues, low solar EUV accounts for
about 30% of the collapse. Extra CO2 accounts for at least another
10%. That leaves as much as 60% unaccounted for.
“We will continue to monitor the situation,” says Emmert.
It is the types of anomalies concerning nearly every aspect of the Sun/Earth
Connection that are popping up everywhere, with no explanations except when using
an external source. And, as we read earlier, the only source large enough to effect
such a grand scale, is a change in the interstellar medium or a change in incoming
plasma cloud densities.
We could go on and on along these lines, pulling up science articles, papers,
research, etc., but I have already supplied those in the first pdf of The Coming, and
will not jump into them again as I have made The Coming available for download.
You can peruse them at your leisure.
So, what exactly is the incoming celestial system? The simplest evidence shows it to
be plasma.
2000 Electric-Plasma Universe Workshop, Beaverton, OR.
According to Anthony Peratt, Scientific Advisor to the United States
Department of Energy and a plasma researcher at Los Alamos
National Laboratory in New Mexico, found that the ‘neutral hydrogen
clouds’ were not completely a neutral gas of hydrogen and other elements,
but rather consisted of charged particles of electrons and ions,ca lled
The name plasma as applied to charged particles was borrowed from blood-
plasma by Nobel laureate Irving Langmuir in 1923 because the particles
interacted collectively in a lifelike manner in his laboratory experiments.
“Verschuur analyzed nearly two thousand clouds, principally from the Aericibo
radio telescope in Puerto Rico, but also from other radio telescopes scattered
around the globe,” said Peratt. Verschuur had previously found, under
high resolution computer processing, that the ‘clouds’ were not
clouds at all but were instead filaments of material which twisted and
wound like helices over enormous distances between the stars.
Peratt said that the filaments between the stars are not visible
themselves but are observable with radio telescopes that can observe space
at much longer wavelengths than are visible to the human eye. Prof. Per
Carlqvist, a researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology in
Stockholm, estimated that the interstellar filaments found by
Verschuur conducted electricity with currents as high as ten-
thousand billion amperes.
“The individual filaments in space are often called Z-pinches. These
Z-pinches occur when current-carrying plasma ‘pinches’ itself into a
filament by a magnetic field the current produces around the plasma.
Z-pinches, such as those produced on the Sandia National
Laboratories ‘Z’ machine, are among the most prolific producers of X-
rays known,Ó cited Peratt.
The United States Department of Energy funded Z-machine at Sandia has
surprised the scientific community during the last few years by breaking all
records in the production of high intensity X-rays from wire filaments
converted into plasmas by million-volt pulses. Such filaments have already
been discovered in our own solar system. For example, the aurora on
Earth is known to be caused by million ampere currents flowing down
the Earth’s magnetic field lines at the northern and southern poles
while similar were found by planetary explorer spacecraft to connect
the planet Jupiter with its closest satellite Io.
That such currents existed on a much larger scale outside the solar system
and beyond the reach of spacecraft has been a topic of conjecture among
astronomers and space plasma scientists. According to Igor Alexeff, President
of the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, “It’s not unusual that neutral
hydrogen in space should show such well organized current structures;
plasma also acts in a lifelike and intelligent way in laboratory experiments
and in naturally occurring plasmas such as lightning.”
Plasma scientists have long known that 99.999 percent of all
observable matter in the universe is matter in the plasma state, often
referred to as the fourth, or fundamental, state of matter. In contrast
to the first three states of matter most familiar to us on Earth: gases, liquids,
and solids; plasmas generate and react strongly to electromagnetic fields.
Plasmas are also prodigious producers of electromagnetic radiation.
The Sun is a plasma, as are all of the stars and interstellar space, although for the latter, it was thought that the plasma was quite tenuous and spread out until the discovery of the filaments.
On Earth plasma exists in the form of lightning, fluorescent bulbs,
flames, the flow of currents in conductors and semiconductors, and
the aurora. The earth actually is encased in a protective shell of
plasma called the ionosphere and magnetosphere, shielding life from
high-energy cosmic and other electromagnetic rays from space.
The discovery was called “Exciting,” by S. T. Lai, a researcher at the Air Force
Research Laboratory in Hanscom, MA. Lai, an authority on a phenomena
called “critical ionization velocity,” who noted that the data fell precisely
where predicted by the late physics Nobel laureate Hannes Alfvén (1908-
1995), who in his theory about the origin of planets in 1942, calculated that if
a neutral cloud in space fell through a magnetized plasma, the neutral gas
would itself become ionized at discrete velocities.
on the whole. On the other hand, a mutation at the highest level,
where the overall arrangement of the organism is determined, may
have a spectacular impact.
For example, a single mutation may turn a four-legged animal into a
six-legged one. Such high-level mutations are unlikely to be selected,
but potentially they can lead to revolutionary changes.
A fundamental example of such a major change is them eta syst em
transition, where a system evolves in a relatively short time to a
higher level of complexity.
Published in Russian, IICA Transactions, Volume 4, 1997
*Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, and Chief Scientific Member,
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Mineralogy,
Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Expert on Global Ecology, and Fast -Processing Earth Events.
Russian to English Translation and Editing:
by A. N. Dmitriev, Andrew Tetenov, and Earl L. Crockett
The situation that has been created here in our Heliosphere is of
external, Interstellar, cosmic space origin,and is herein assumed to
be caused by the underlying fundamental auto-oscillation, space-
physical, processes of continuous creation that has shaped, and
continues to evolve our Universe. The present excited state of our
Heliosphere exists within the whole, or entire, organism that makes up the
Solar System; the Sun, Planets, Moons, Comets, and Asteroids, as well as the
plasmas, and/or electromagnetic mediums, and structures, of Interplanetary
Space. The response to these Interstellar energy and matter injections into
our Heliosphere has been, and continues to be, a series of newly observed
energetic processes and formations on all of the Planets; between the Planets
and their Moons, and the Planets and the Sun.
Earth’s ability to adapt to these external actions and transference’s is
aggravated, made more difficult, by the technogeneous alterations
we have made to the natural quality, or state, of our geological-
geophysical environment. Our Planet Earth is now in the process of a
dramatic transformation; by altering the electromagnetic skeleton through a
shift of the geomagnetic field poles, and through compositional changes in
the ozone, and hydrogen, saturation levels of its gas-plasma envelopes.
These changes in the Earth’s physical state are being accompanied by
resultant climatic/atmospheric, and biospheric, adaptation processes. These
processes are becoming more and more intense, and frequent, as evidenced
by the real time increase in “non-periodic transient events”; ie., catastrophes.
There are reasons favoring, or pointing to, the fact that a growth in the
ethical or spiritual quality, of humanity would decrease the number and
intensity of complex catastrophes. It has become vitally important that a
world chart be prepared setting forth the favorable, and the catastrophic,
regions on Earth taking into account the quality of the geologic-geophysical
environment, the variety and intensity of cosmic influences, and the real level
of spiritual-ethical development of the people occupying those areas.
It is reasonable to point out that our Planet will soon be experiencing
these new conditions of growing energy signifying the transition into
a new state and quality of Space-Earth relationship. The living
organisms of those regions of Earth having the major “inlets”, or
attractions, for cosmic influences will be taking the lead in evolving
life’s appropriate reactions, or processes, to these new conditions.
These zones of vertical commutations and energy transfers are
already becoming the heart, or hotbeds, in the search for new
systems of adaptation and mutual transformation.
The most significant of these areas are the helio-sensitive zones which have
intense responses to geoeffective solar activities [Note #1]; responses that
include the very dramatic and unusual manifestation of non-homogeneous
vacuum, or classical non-mechanical ether, domain structures. These
structures, or objects, then interact with the heliosensitive zones producing
deep and powerful effects upon the environment such as the alteration of
seismic activities, and chemical compositions. Because these non-
homogeneous vacuum domain objects display not-of-this-physical-world
characteristics such as “liquid light” and “non-Newtonian movement” it is
difficult not to describe their manifestations as being “interworld processes”.
It is important to note that those heliosensitive zones that exhibit middle and
large scale processes are also those that are closely associated with these
“interworld processes” produced by physical vacuum homogeneity
Such disturbances cause, and create, energy and matter transfer processes
between the ether media and our three-dimensional world. The multitude of
such phenomena, which is rich in it’s quality and variety, is already growing
quickly. Hundreds of thousands of these natural self-luminous formations are
exerting a increasing influence upon Earth’s geophysic fields and biosphere.
We suggest that the presence of these formations is the mainstream
precedent to the transformation of Earth; an Earth which becomes more and
more subject to the transitional physical processes which exist within the
borderland between the physical vacuum and our material world.
All of this places humanity, and each one of us, squarely in front of a
very difficult and topical problem; the creation of a revolutionary
advancement in knowledge which will require a transformation of our
thinking and being equal to this never-before-seen phenomena now
presencing itself in our world. There is no other path to the future
than a profound internal experiential perception and knowledge of
the events now underway in the natural environment that surrounds
us. It is only through this understanding that humanity will achieve
balance with the renewing flow of the PlanetoPhysical States and
-End Paper-
We must be careful not to detract from Gods glory in these last days. After all, we are still discovering creatures on our own planet and we have been here for a very long time. satan's greatest trick was convincing man that he doesn't exist. It is a master of injecting fear and keeping there and detracting from Gods signs for all of the people of earth to see and making it about nostrodomus and 2012. If it is our time to die by fire, all men are entitled to die once, so take the hand of a family member or a loved one with Jesus Christ in your heart and turn and face the fire together and embrace the next life with a smile. Don't fear anything or anyone and don't live today worrying and living in fear about tomorrow.