User ID: 2143478
08/19/2012 06:49 PM
If you're new to this thread, it might be a lot to digest all at once.
No B.S. here, this thread has a high star rating because a lot is explained for most to understand and predictions have come true already.
In short I use buoy, earthquake, and volcanic data along with government activities/plans to make forecasts.
Most of which simply is following patterns and connecting the dots.
Links, sources or screenshots are always posted to prove validity.
There is clear increasing plate movement going on currently and one thing has lead to another.
After certain events (such as a buoy showing a seafloor rise) I write an explanation and a forecast of what to expect next.
After new events surface and/or forecast comes true I give updates/new forecasts.
This first post below is written as a sequence starting on 8/19 and following updates.
Throughout the thread I write new updates/forecasts and as time moves on I add them to this first post for easier viewing all compiled.
Thanks and feel free to share
(8/19) Today there was a 4.6 Earthquake off the Coast of Alaska which isn't odd.. however in the near EXACT position of the earthquake a buoy tsunami station went into event mode of about 50 meters!
Yes 50 meters of water column height displacement right next to an Earthquake.
See for yourself below:
Earthquake location:
Buoy Location zoomed in:
Buoy details:
I personally believe this is significant and I'll explain why.
By studying information.. earthquakes etc I believe the recent earthquakes and buoy activity is NOT normal.
These just aren't earthquakes.. i believe it's actual plate movement of the whole Northern Pacific that IS GOING to lead to more!
Why are things soo odd???
Well on April 11th there was back to back 8+ earthquakes that happened within a 24 hour period.. which was the first time in recorded history TWO 8+ quakes occurred during the same day.
Since then the next 4 months Earth became very quiet, all those "Earth Booms" pretty much stopped and large earthquakes stopped.
Thread: FOUR months without a single quake above 7.0 anywhere in the world
Then suddenly there was a 7.7 earthquake which was nearly 400 miles deep!
[link to]
It was odd because there were NOT any aftershocks.. nor was it a fore shock.
As others have noted on GLP.
Thread: Magnitude 7.7 - SEA OF OKHOTSK - AND NO AFTERSHOCKS YET !!!
Thread: 7.7 Earthquake but NO after shocks?
So why? What's going on?
Well today there was not only the Alaskan earthquake and buoy event.. there was also 5.6 off the coast of Washington that was later downgraded to a 5.5.
Is there a connection between all this?
I believe so and will further explain.
After some studying I've noticed other odd buoy events off of Alaska recently and this thread:
Thread: Earthquake Alert. Expect multiple earthquake swarms and 7+ quakes to happen sometime between now through Aug 3rd
Disregard the title.. there truly are HINTS within!!!
OP's results were for the most part off.. however on the 3rd there was a moderate earthquake swarm off of Alaska.
Here is a quote from OP that I connected dots with which I believe there is more to it:
"There is something currently affecting the Earth at this very moment.
It's the reason WHY there is a buoy in event mode off of Alaska.
Here is a link so you can see for yourself:
[link to]
That buoy is showing deep earth movement in that location.
There will be a break free of the Earth's plates causing this next event.
After the back to back 8+ earthquakes on April 11th it created a jam within the plates, which is why there hasn't been a 7+ earthquake since April. Also why all the "Earth Booms" have slowed."
OP's statement was specifically to Alaska and buoys!
Alaska as a break point!
Suddenly now west of Alaska there was a 7.7 earthquake and to the east of Alaska a 5.5 earthquake off the coast of Washington.. then SMACK in the middle a buoy going into event mode off of Alaska (50 meters) right next to an Alaskan earthquake!
Weird eh?
So this is what I believe is going on.
After the events of April 11/12 the Earth changed more than we know.
I believe also it did indeed create a jam or hinge within the Earth's plates.
However slowly it's starting to break free now.
The hinge is in the Northern Pacific.
There is whole WESTWARD movement of that entire region and the Alaskan/Buoy eventing area.. is a fault break point of some kind which is in between the recent quakes off Washington and Russia.
I will show what I mean below:
The yellow dot on the left is the 7.7 earthquake off of Russia.
The orange dot on the right is the 5.5 off of Washington.
The square is where the Alaska quake was today and also the buoy event.
What I believe that's going on is the Pacific is compressing with upper North America rolling to the west, putting pressure to the west and the square area is a snapping or break point as illustrated.
I personally believe BEFORE any other significant Earth changes occur that there will be more signs and events in this region.
I believe this is what's been holding everything up.
This image below is what I believe is the area to watch for.
The red line represents an area of PRESSURE and increased possibility of earthquakes as this movement continues.
Within the yellow box is where I'd look for more buoy activity and or earthquake swarms as a possible sign.
Northern California, off the Coast of Washington/Vancouver island, Japan and off the coast of Russia I believe are the areas specifically of pressure points.
Alaska within the square is the unknown region of possibility.. although I would guess to say to look for more odd buoy activity and quakes swarms as a sign within that region.
I don't know although the signs certainly are picking up as why I put this thread together.
If I were to guess I would say to look out in that area for the next couple months for some major signs.
There of course has been preparing.
As one example recently sensors have been set up to sound tsunami warning for Vancouver Island.
Here is the source: [link to]
Obviously Government and FEMA also
Thread: ALERT! FEMA Plans! FEMA seeking Millions of Meals with GPS tracking for PRESIDENTIAL DECLARED DISASTERS, Disaster Housing Relief & Nuclear Teams
Keep a watch the areas stated.. the evidence is building.
(Update 8/21) Separate buoy went into tsunami event mode in Alaskan area stated previously to watch for.
A tsunami buoy west of the previous one has gone into event mode today, this event was about 3 1/2 meters of water height change/displacement.
I warned of such signs and in this exact region.
Quote below:
"Within the yellow box is where I'd look for more buoy activity and or earthquake swarms as a possible sign."
Here is the zoomed in location of the event today:
Here is the event details:
Notice how this was within the watch area I had given to look for more buoy activity.
These buoy events are NOT from boats or storms systems.. that's impossible to forecast.
Knowing and noticing a pattern of deep fault/plate movement as the CAUSE of affecting buoys in a region IS POSSIBLE to forecast.
This was one prime example.
Keep a watch out.. there will be more signs.
(8/21) Update later in the day
Quote can be found directly from here:
Thread: Plate movement watch underway! Previous forecast came true, compressing Pacific!!! More buoy events also! Details of what to look for next.... (Page 2)
There was just a 4.6 quake off the coast of Russia which is within my forecast pressure zone:
[link to]
More importantly is at the nearly the exact same time as this earthquake a buoy went into event mode just North of Sumatra.
[link to]
The location of this buoy right right where the twin 8+ quakes were on April 11th, there was a buoy event in that same location also then during 4/11.
[link to]
[link to]
[link to]
One of the 4/11 twin 8+ quakes:
Buoy after earthquake on 4/11:
What is interesting is that I opened this thread speaking about the twin April 11 quakes and it causing a hinge of the Earth with the Northern Pacific as a break point.
I'll quote and explain:
"on April 11th there was back to back 8+ earthquakes that happened within a 24 hour period.. which was the first time in recorded history TWO 8+ quakes occurred during the same day.
Since then the next 4 months Earth became very quiet, all those "Earth Booms" pretty much stopped and large earthquakes stopped.
Thread: FOUR months without a single quake above 7.0 anywhere in the world
Then suddenly there was a 7.7 earthquake which was nearly 400 miles deep!
[link to]
It was odd because there were NOT any aftershocks.. nor was it a fore shock.
As others have noted on GLP.
Thread: Magnitude 7.7 - SEA OF OKHOTSK - AND NO AFTERSHOCKS YET !!!
Thread: 7.7 Earthquake but NO after shocks?
So why? What's going on?
Well today there was not only the Alaskan earthquake and buoy event.. there was also 5.6 off the coast of Washington that was later downgraded to a 5.5.
Is there a connection between all this?
I believe so and will further explain.
So this is what I believe is going on.
After the events of April 11/12 the Earth changed more than we know.
I believe also it did indeed create a jam or hinge within the Earth's plates.
However slowly it's starting to break free now.
The hinge is in the Northern Pacific.
There is whole WESTWARD movement of that entire region and the Alaskan/Buoy eventing area.. is a fault break point of some kind which is in between the recent quakes off Washington and Russia."
In conclusion I opened this thread speaking about a hinge being created from the Sumatra quakes on April 11th and to look for more buoy activity off of Alaska.
Well now today a secondary tsunami buoy went into event mode in the watch area I gave off of Alaska.. following that NOW a buoy went into event off North of Sumatra, the VERY location I stated created the "hinge/jam".
In short the TWO locations I spoke about earlier in this thread are now showing movement by tsunami buoys.
What does this mean?
The area that STARTED the JAM and the area where the JAM is BREAKING FREE is now showing activity!!!!
The title of this thread is "Plate movement watch underway.. details of what to look for next"!
I believe there might be a hand in hand connection to this.
Perhaps we also should look for increasing activity in the Sumatra region also as is evident by this new evidence.
There were two quakes there today, it's a little early to tell but if I were to guess I would say that's now also an area I'm concerned about for more.
Alaska is having more buoy activity.
Sumatra just had a buoy going into event mode.
Both locations I spoke about in opining this thread a few days ago.
In other words this thread is gaining creditability.
The signs are increasing as well as the evidence!
Stay tuned!
(8/25) Very important update
So where are we now?
Well much more has happened and it's been significant!
On 8/21 I WARNED of to look for increasing activity in the Sumatra region and also said there might be a hand in hand connection between Alaska and the Sumatra region.
Well that in NOW confirmed by recent activity!!!
Please bare with me in explaining a lot because this is VERY important.
In my last update which is here:
Thread: Plate movement watch underway! Previous forecast came true, compressing Pacific!!! More buoy events also! Details of what to look for next.... (Page 2)
In that post on 8/21 I gave an updated forecast stating this in short:
"Well now today a secondary tsunami buoy went into event mode in the watch area I gave off of Alaska.. following that NOW a buoy went into event off North of Sumatra, the VERY location I stated created the "hinge/jam".
In short the TWO locations I spoke about earlier in this thread are now showing movement by tsunami buoys.
What does this mean?
The area that STARTED the JAM and the area where the JAM is BREAKING FREE is now showing activity!!!!
The title of this thread is "Plate movement watch underway.. details of what to look for next"!
I believe there might be a hand in hand connection to this.
Perhaps we also should look for increasing activity in the Sumatra region also as is evident by this new evidence.
... it's a little early to tell but if I were to guess I would say that's now also an area I'm concerned about for more. "
So where are we now?
On 8/21 I WARNED of to look for increasing activity in the Sumatra region and also said there might be a hand in hand connection between Alaska and the Sumatra region.
Well that in NOW confirmed!!!
At the end of 8/24 there was different tsunami buoy going into event mode in the Sumatra region BUT this one was a HUGE plate adjustment!
The first buoy of 8/21 was just North of Sumatra, this one was just South.
Here is the recent event:
More clear event details:
Usually due to plate movement you'll see a rise and fall or fall and rise of water height.
However THIS event was far far worse.. the ENTIRE PLATE COMPLETELY ADJUSTED!
This was not slight movement.. this was the plate rising permanently!
When the plate rises, the Sea floor rises causing the water height to STAY lower and NOT come back up!
You can tell from the image the height drops but that it doesn't come back up.. that's because the sea floor rose!
A higher sea floor means in that region there is less space for water to fill thus the water height is less.
To further show this I will post below of longer term data from this very buoy:
This is an image of buoy data from the past two weeks.
You can see that the water height stayed steady at about 4,610 meters then suddenly massive movement and then a 30 meter drop to 4,580 meters.
Now it's staying steady around 4,580 meters.
That means the sea floor came up and this was a huge permanent adjustment of an entire plate!
These are NOT buoy errors!
I warned for more buoy activity off of Alaska!
Came true!!
I warned on 8/21 for more activity around the Sumatra region!
Now also has come true!!
That is only ONE part of what has come true from the last forecast!
On 8/21 I said this!
"I opened this thread speaking about a hinge being created from the Sumatra quakes on April 11th and to look for more buoy activity off of Alaska.
Well now today a secondary tsunami buoy went into event mode in the watch area I gave off of Alaska.. following that NOW a buoy went into event off North of Sumatra, the VERY location I stated created the "hinge/jam".
The area that STARTED the JAM and the area where the JAM is BREAKING FREE is now showing activity!
Alaska is having more buoy activity.
Sumatra just had a buoy going into event mode.
Both locations I spoke about in opining this thread a few days ago.
I believe there might be a hand in hand connection to this. "
That's right!
Hand in hand connection between the Sumatra region and Alaskan region!
The place that created the jam point AND where jam point is!
Well what are the odds that a buoy off of Sumatra showed a change of water height of about 30 meters.. then shortly after a buoy off of Alaska to also show a change of water height of about 30 meters????
That would be an obvious "hand in hand" connection eh?
Guess what.. It happened!!!!!!
See for yourself:
More clear buoy data:
What you are looking at basically is plate movement that changes the water height of about 30 meters.
You can it goes from 4,510 to 4,540 meters.
These also were multiple movements.
Now compare the two recent buoys going into event mode:
Both show changes of 30 meters.. that is your HAND IN HAND CONNECTION RIGHT THERE!!!
I also warned opening this thread of pressure points within certain areas for earthquakes in main connection of the Alaskan buoy region.
Quote from 8/19
"The red line represents an area of PRESSURE and increased possibility of earthquakes as this movement continues.
Within the yellow box is where I'd look for more buoy activity...
Northern California, off the Coast of Washington/Vancouver island, Japan and off the coast of Russia I believe are the areas specifically of pressure points.
Alaska within the square is the unknown region of possibility.. although I would guess to say to look for more odd buoy activity"
That warning is now also becoming evident!
As you can see I said to look for buoy activity off of Alaska and showed a red line going around Northern Japan.
I also specifically stated that Japan is a pressure point.
All this from upper North America rolling to the west.
Now you will see a clear connection of what I meant that also happened to today.
Here is the Buoy event off of Alaska:
and clear details:
From the image above you can see movement starting at about 8:20 GMT time with the last movement ending at about 14:10 GMT time.
Well that movement created a pressure point being released in one of the areas I warned of.
Northern Japan as can be seen here:
What is important to note is that this earthquake happened within minutes of the last movement shown the Alaskan buoy, the very kind of thing I warned about in opening this thread
In conclusion...
warned of more Alaskan region buoy activity.
warned of more Sumatra region buoy activity.
warned of specific pressure point quakes in connection to buoy activity.
warned of a hand in hand connection between the Sumatra region and Alaskan region.
warned that there WILL BE more signs/evidence of all this.
Pretty much all I've forecasted has come to be.
This thread is gaining further credibility and I sincerely hope that all of you take the time to study through this thread, share it and also pay attention moving forward.
This is ONLY the beginning, things will get worse....
(8/26) update
When the Sumatra region buoy event happened it expanded upon the original forecast.
The "hand in hand connection" revealed itself.
It become more obvious by the two buoys going into event mode each of 30 meters (one by Alaska.. the other by Sumatra) that the movement and pressure will become more global.
You can't have a seafloor rise 30 meters without repercussions.
That now is becoming more obvious.
Again I've maintained that the Sumatra and Alaskan regions are key signs connected to everything.
The signs of this have now occurred all within about a day following the last update.
On 8/21 I said this:
"Perhaps we also should look for increasing activity in the Sumatra region also as is evident by this new evidence."
Source: Thread: Plate movement watch underway! Previous forecast came true, compressing Pacific!!! More buoy events also! Details of what to look for next.... (Page 2)
That buoy event followed by another buoy event showing movement nearly two days ago lead to today where there were twin moderate earthquakes in the Sumatra region.
I warned by my last update to watch out for Sumatra as a sign.
Shortly after the Sumatra quakes.. there was a 6.6 quake in Indonesia followed by a wild quake swarm in California.
See for yourself here:
The California swarm is significant as has also been noted through many GLP threads today.
Thread: Swarm in So. Cal damages buildings, fears of more seismic activity.
I had a feeling there might be more to all of this so I went to a USGS earthquake map and what I noticed was impressive.
For the past 24 hours I did a search for earthquakes above 4.4 and came up with this.
You can pretty much draw a straight line from Sumatra, to the 6.6 Indianian quake, to the California swarm.. to twin Atlantic ridge quakes!
All that happened within the past 24 hours!
Check it out:
It's very interesting!
Remember I said earlier that North America is rolling to the west.
Just for reference look above at the Ridge quakes.
The latitude is about 53 Degrees North as it noted in the image.
Compare to the opening of this thread.. An Alaskan quake next to an eventing buoy!
Pay attention to the stats!!!
It case you missed it.. there was Alaskan quake also a 4.6 and at a latitude of about 53 Degrees north!
That is what I opened this thread with a week ago.
Due to the "rolling to the west" nearly the same about of pressure was released at the same latitude of the same magnitude of earthquake!
Alaska 53 degrees, 4.6 quake and buoy events
Atlantic ridge 53 degrees, 4.6 quake and 4.8.
Basically both sides of the North American Plate releasing pressure in simple terms.
Well lets just keep this 4.6 quake train rolling!
I said earlier Sumatra was connected to all this.
Well just like the twin Atlantic Ridge quakes following that there was also twin quakes in Sumatra, one of which also a 4.6
As seen here [link to]
That sent a chain of reaction into effect.. where there was a 6.6 in Indonesia and then the California swarm.
Once again all of this is connected as seen here:
Recap I have stated previously Alaska and Sumatra are the jam point and location that created the jam.
Both recently have had buoy events.. as I've said there is a "hand in hand connection".
The buoy events off of Alaska are at the same latitude as the twin Atlantic ridge quakes today, one of which a 4.6 which is a powerful KEY in the statement previously that North America is rolling to the west with Alaska as a jam point!
Following that slight adjustment Sumatra was back in action with twin quakes, also one was a 4.6
The chain reaction continued hitting Indonesia with a 6.6 quake. Shortly after there was and still is a massive quake swarm on going in California.
All within the past 24 hours!
I still believe the
What were seeing is now is just repercussions to the movements that have taken place recently.
Today really was just a tiny sign of what is to come.
The jam points will eventually break sending large quakes and swarms globally.
We still have time to go though, however not more than a few months.
8/21 update ended with:
"The signs are increasing as well as the evidence!
Stay tuned!"
8/25 update ended with:
"This is ONLY the beginning, things will get worse...."
Well now you have more signs/evidence and you surely can see things are getting worse.
We still have a lot more to go through, a lot more adjustments before things get bad.
Step by step...
(8/29) update "am"
Well it looks like the California swarm is done for the meantime.
There also was a 7.4 quake in Central America.
Basically after the previous movement.. (such as with the seafloor rise around Southern Sumatra) it put pressure on the other side of the Pacific.
This is was a small taste of what's in store when things "break free".. ping pong effect quakes on a broad scale etc.
That's a bit away, we've still got a lot of movement to go in order for things to break free.
Which is why I've said "step by step".
Anyway what's next, well more buoy activity.
Increasing buoy activity I knew was going to be one of the many signs.
I opened this thread with some statements and also this image:
I said that the red line is pressure points.
On 8/19 said: "The red line represents an area of PRESSURE and increased possibility of earthquakes as this movement continues.... Japan and off the coast of Russia I believe are the areas specifically of pressure points."
Later on I also spoke about the "hand in hand connection" adding the Sumatra region.
You can notice on the image above I showed the red line going down and around Northern Japan.
Specially swinging around Japan.. going back up to off the coast of Russia is where that 7.7 quake occurred a couple weeks ago.
Well now there is movement shown by a buoy off of Northern Japan as seen here:
Compare both images, red pressure line and buoy event location and you'll see what I'm feeling.
Means that a pressure point location is in action.
No earthquakes yet however, just the eventing buoy which is a sign.
What does this mean?
I believe it means the pressure is back in the Western Pacific, that you'll see more earthquake activity on this side of the globe rather than the other side where recent activity was.
Yes of course there will still be aftershocks although things have "shifted" literally.
Sometime within the next two weeks I'd look for increasing earthquake activity (swarms and/or 6+) around Japan, Russian coast and/or Indonesia/Sumatra region.
Seafloor adjustments are a further possibility.
The Pacific will further be compressing and now the signs in those areas should pick up.
Just one buoy event doesn't tell me much because of the limited data so this isn't a 100% forecast.
This thread and previous forecasts were correct because of the vast data I had to work with at the time, we're now in the next chapter of things.
If there is more buoy activity from Alaska down to the Indonesian area then this next sequence will be of more certainty.
I'm putting this out there now with limited data because I believe there still is a pretty good chance the forecast will be correct.
Regardless it's obvious earthquake and buoy activity has picked up over the past 10 or so days.. thus I'm POSITIVE as I opened this thread with that Plate movement watch is underway!
Update from source:
Thread: Plate movement watch underway! Previous forecast came true, compressing Pacific!!! More buoy events also! Details of what to look for next.... (Page 7)
There was a 5.6 earthquake right across from the eventing Japan buoy today.
[link to]
More importantly is another buoy that went off which I was worried would happen.
About 18 hours ago I said this:
"I believe it means the pressure is back in the Western Pacific, that you'll see more earthquake activity on this side of the globe rather than the other side where recent activity was.
Seafloor adjustments are a further possibility.
The Pacific will further be compressing and now the signs in those areas should pick up.
If there is more buoy activity from Alaska down to the Indonesian area then this next sequence will be of more certainty."
Well mow the Indonesian area had a buoy showing a seafloor rise of 110 meters!
Seem here:
[link to]
Some of the very things I said happen
-Seafloor adjustment
-Signs picking buoy
-More buoy activity Indonesian area
Update source: Thread: Plate movement watch underway! Previous forecast came true, compressing Pacific!!! More buoy events also! Details of what to look for next.... (Page 7)
(8/30) Update "AM"
When I warned for more buoy activity going down to the Indonesian area as a possible confirmation sign moving forward.. then it happened it was very revealing to me.
It reminded me of what happened last time.
Which was this:
Followed by
It basically confirmed confirmed what I predicted earlier, that pressure is back in the Western Pacific.
Source: Thread: Plate movement watch underway! Previous forecast came true, compressing Pacific!!! More buoy events also! Details of what to look for next.... (Page 7)
This happened:
Thread: So, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge can produce earthquakes above 6.5 in magnitude...
[link to]
[link to]
Quote: "Well now the SAME Indonesian buoy is showing a far larger rise of seafloor and a day later now.. TWIN Atlantic ridge quakes!
Not only were there twin quake in the Northern Atlantic.. last time they were only less than 10 minutes apart, today the twin Northern Atlantic quakes are less than 10 minutes apart too!!!
Just like like time!
Same precursor signs!!!"
This was last time:
This now basically totally confirmed what was in store for us next, all the data was coming together!
The plate movement pattern.. ping pong affect!
Update source: Thread: Plate movement watch underway! Previous forecast came true, compressing Pacific!!! More buoy events also! Details of what to look for next.... (Page 7)
(8/31) Update
Well this update is best suited to start with this
Everything is becoming oh so clear!
It should be more obvious to anyone by now that has read this thread and especially this update that plate movement is on the vast increase!
To best explain what's going on now, we must go back into the past.
Late 8/24 this happened, buoy event showing seafloor rise of 30 meters:
I wrote about it here: Thread: Plate movement watch underway! Previous forecast came true, compressing Pacific!!! More buoy events also! Details of what to look for next.... (Page 3)
The seafloor rose 30 meters!!!!
What followed was this:
1: Buoy event/sea floor rise
2: Twin Northern Atlantic quakes less than 10 minutes apart
3: Pressure release Northeast of buoy/seafloor rise resulting in large quake
4: Pressure moves to the other side of Pacific in the Americas resulting in increased earthquake activity on that end.
So after that sequence completed things became quiet for a couple days.
But then suddenly on the 29th a buoy off of Japan started eventing non stop along with a 5.5 earthquake right next to the buoy.
Here is a link to the Japan quake:
[link to]
I then warned what to look for next:
"I believe it means the pressure is back in the Western Pacific, that you'll see more earthquake activity on this side of the globe rather than the other side where recent activity was.
Seafloor adjustments are a further possibility.
The Pacific will further be compressing and now the signs in those areas should pick up.
If there is more buoy activity from Alaska down to the Indonesian area then this next sequence will be of more certainty."
Source from 8/29: Thread: Plate movement watch underway! Previous forecast came true, compressing Pacific!!! More buoy events also! Details of what to look for next.... (Page 7)
I felt pressure was back in the Western Pacific and more buoy activity would confirm this.
By the end of the day that forecast became confirmed by yet another seafloor rise south of Sumatra by Indonesia, however this time of 110 meters!!!
There also was a quake swarm during this time by the Alaskan islands. "Hand in hand connection", if you've read earlier you'd understand what this means.
Here are the quakes on the 30th:
[link to]
[link to]
[link to]
[link to]
[link to]
[link to]
These weren't no regular quakes, I warned of Alaska being a pressure point and spoke of a hand in hand connection.
On this day it also woke up a NEW VOLCANO on the Alaska islands!!!
"New volcano on yellow alert: Little Sitkin volcano in the remote western Aleutian islands was placed on yellow alert by the Alaska Volcano Observatory"
[link to]
"Earthquakes raise alert level at Alaska volcano.
Seismic equipment located near the volcano began detecting a "swarm of high-frequency earthquakes"
[link to]
So the "hand in hand connection" showed itself yet again.
I also warned specially for buoy activity and/or quake swarms in the Alaskan island region in opening this thread.
Anyway that was minor but needed to be documented.. more important things happened after.
In the Northern Atlantic by Greenland there were twin quakes, large also.
6.8 and 5.8 that occurred less than 10 minutes apart.
[link to]
[link to]
Thread: So, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge can produce earthquakes above 6.5 in magnitude...
At the time I went on to say this:
"Well now the SAME Indonesian buoy is showing a far larger rise of seafloor and a day later now.. later TWIN Atlantic ridge quakes!
Not only were there twin quakes in the Northern Atlantic.. last time they were only less than 10 minutes apart, today the twin Northern Atlantic quakes are less than 10 minutes apart again!!!
Just like like time!
Same precursor signs!!!"
Quote from here: Thread: Plate movement watch underway! Previous forecast came true, compressing Pacific!!! More buoy events also! Details of what to look for next.... (Page 7)
At that point I was totally sure my forecast for the western Pacific would come true and it did the very next day.
Thread: BREAKING: 7.9 EARTHQUAKE - PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION - The world is falling apart..
Thread: Seven PACIFIC Ocean BUOYS in EVENT Mode after 7.9 Mag. Earthquake
Thread: Magnitude 5.7 - Philippines - The Hits Keep On Coming! Another Earthquake Swarm.
Not only did this large earthquake happen today in the area I warned had pressure.. 7 buoys went into event mode.
The Western Pacific, the very area I stated.. here have a look:
The buoy off of Japan still is showing nonstop movement also:
Now this is where it gets creepy!
I would like for you to take a look at and compare both these images, second image is current status:
-The Seafloor rose twice, second time was a far larger rise.
-Following that.. twin Northern Atlantic quakes within 10 minutes of each other, second time the quakes were larger.
-Following that.. a large earthquake Northeast of the eventing buoy happened, second time the earthquake was larger.
Now is that obvious or what?
What are the odds of that just being a coincidence?
This is all a sign of the Pacific compressing!
Alaska also as a heavy impact point as previously warned.. now more recent hand in hand connection and new volcanic signs.
So what's next?
There are two possible things which are possible.
The western Pacific still has more pressure to release, resulting in more earthquakes in the short term.
OR.. the sequence shall continue just like last time.
As the Pacific further compresses.. the pressure point has now moved to the other side of the Pacific, the Americas.
I showed the area of concern in the image above, anywhere within that box.
Specially I'd be most concerned anywhere from California down to the bottom of Central America.
For swarms and/or at least one 7+ earthquake.. in which would release the pressure.
One of those two will happen in the short term.
Short term as in less than two weeks but honestly could be much sooner, perhaps within a couple days.
I personally feel that the Americas are now in for it based upon all this vast data but could be either.
So far this thread has been pretty much mostly correct.
My goal is to help awaken those curious and empower them with information.
Over the past nearly two weeks since starting this thread soo much has unfolded and I hope this makes a difference for some of you out there.
Source from: Thread: Plate movement watch underway! Previous forecast came true, compressing Pacific!!! More buoy events also! Details of what to look for next.... (Page 8)
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