Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Nibiru System or Galactic Rift Visitors

12/22/2012, East Texas

Friday, December 7, 2012

Preppers Who Make Surviving The Apocalypse Even Less Fun

Brandon Smith - http://www.alt-market.com/articles/1200-preppers-who-make-surviving-the-apocalypse-even-less-fun

Being forced to endure and survive a catastrophic macro event like a monetary or social collapse is perhaps one of the worst experiences I could imagine.  Such a crisis leads to just about every crime and inhuman action in existence, and, the time required for a culture to right itself and rebuild is severely protracted.  A hurricane or earthquake or tidal wave; these calamities are short lived and easy in comparison.  The point is, as survivalists who are preparing to make an economic end-game scenario as “comfortable” to live through as we can, it is incumbent upon us to consider the kind of company we keep during the gambit.  Some allies will make that mad world bearable; others will bring the madness to your doorstep

Many preppers are aware of the dangers inherent in our progressively deteriorating nation.  Unfortunately, some of them are completely unaware of the dangers inherent within themselves.  Building a solid community of people to rely on during a collapse is absolutely essential, and the larger the group of liberty minded neighbors the better.  But, if certain ground rules are not established from the very beginning, a rainbow of personal issues and character flaws could very well destroy years of effort.  Care must be taken by all parties involved to ensure that internal conflicts remain at a minimum, and when they do arise, that each person is wise enough to resolve issues in an adult manner.

I hate to say it, but you will inevitably run into some folks that are beyond compromise and beyond hope.  Working with them is like pulling teeth…shark’s teeth…from your jugular.  Here are just a handful of powder keg personalities that will make the apocalypse more than a living hell for you and your friends if they manage to latch onto or take leadership in your survival watch…

1) The Self Assumed “Leader”

The “Assumed Leader” is not actually a reliable or practical leader; he just thinks he is, and reminds everyone loudly whenever he can find occasion.  He does not generally do this by screaming “I AM YOUR LEADER!”  Instead, he attempts to micro-manage every aspect of the survival group and shows early signs of control issues.  The Assumed Leader will first make forceful suggestions to test the waters, scoffing angrily whenever people do not strictly follow his advice.  If he gains traction, his suggestions turn into orders, and he begins to act as though he is somehow in a superior position to the rest of the community. 

He seems to have an answer to every question or concern, which would be nice if he actually knew what he as talking about half of the time.  Usually, this is not the case.  He may have expertise in a certain field, like farming, or building, or engineering, or even defense, and this is indeed valuable.  However, his mastery of one area of knowledge has inflated his ego to massive proportions and he now pretends as if he is some kind of hyper-educated elitist potentate.  When approached with alternative options and methods, he will respond with ridicule as if you have no clue what you are talking about.  When his ideas are criticized, he will react with fury, and try to remove dissenters from the community entirely. 

The best way to avoid these people is to discover them early in your prepping project, and to make certain that NO ONE becomes a De facto dictator.  Every person with particular expertise within the community should be given respect in that specific field, but not given authority over all decisions.  The experienced farmer should offer leadership when it comes to farming, but step aside when it comes to defense and defenders, and vice versa.  It is best to keep in mind that the most effective leaders always ask those around them for aid and advice before coming to any conclusion.  The worst leaders already assume they know everything.

2) The Feudal Lord

The Feudal Lord is an Assumed Leader who has managed to lure other preppers into a Commune, rather than a Community, and there is a considerable difference.  He is often a well-off survivalist who has suddenly realized that for all his money and land and supplies, he is basically defenseless, and needs an organized group to protect his bounty.  He entices other preppers into the fold with ideas that he is building a legitimate and fair community, and with land already available, many take interest.  The problem is, the Feudal Lord believes possession of the land that the group is defending automatically makes him Grand Poobah, and that those people are not equals, but servants and serfs.
I have found that Feudal Lords also have a tendency to charge people "fees" for the right to join their communes.  They will argue that this is designed to "vet" candidates and see if they are truly "serious" about survival prepping.  In the dark corner of their minds, however, they actually believe that they are OWED a tithe from anyone who wishes to earn the "privilege" of becoming a permanent installment on their property.  From the very beginning they go into the project with almost no sincere regard for the people they are working with.     

The reality is, the Feudal Lord’s land and supplies are utterly meaningless without security and without aid.  His survival riches can be taken in an instant by a mere handful of looters, or even one experienced raider.  Without other people, treated as equals in survival and ready to lay down their lives to protect each other and him, he has nothing, and is foolhardy to think otherwise.

This is not to say that all landowners who try to centralize a group on their property are seeking to become mini-kings of a mini-kingdom.  If rules and agreements are made early on, and everyone understands their role, then such an arrangement could work.  But, if the landowner purposely avoids set agreements, appoints roles to people without asking them, changes the plan regularly to suit himself, and tries to leech money out of participants, then it’s time to walk away now before it is too late.  Eventually he WILL use his position as landowner as a means to dominate, and will threaten to cast people out who disagree with his methods.

The best way to avoid these characters and the commune situation altogether is to not centralize on a single piece of land, but to organize in a neighborhood fashion, where everyone maintains sovereign control of what they do and all aid is voluntary.

3) The Moral Relativist

There is, sadly, a small subsection of survivalists out there who do not plan to live off their own preps; they plan to confiscate the preps of others by force and solve every problem at the barrel of a gun.  In their mind, a crisis situation calls for the abandonment of conscience and the application of a “survival of the fittest” mentality.  They believe that morals are all well and good when civilized society remains, but a source of weakness during catastrophe.  Their philosophy is: Only the strongest of men will be able to set aside principle and “do what needs to be done”.  That is to say, they believe you must become the monster to defeat the monster.

In fact, only men who are able to hold onto their principles during the worst moments are strong.  Weak men run away from conscience, using the excuse that times are “different and difficult”.  They are not survivalists, they are terrorists in every sense, and they will only hurt our ultimate goal of rebuilding a free, prosperous, and individualistic society.

These people should be avoided like the plague.  They will make enemies wherever they go, ask you to do highly questionable things, and push your community into annihilation.  Eventually, somebody is going to put them out of their misery, and it’s best to not be around when that happens.

4) The Obsessive
The Obsessive is a person whose drive is initially impressive but also ultimately destructive.  His entire life revolves around survival prepping and impending doom.  Certainly, it is better to be extra concerned about the economic crisis on the horizon than to be utterly oblivious.  A smart man over-prepares.  But, there is such a thing as overkill, even in the world of survivalism.

No one can ever do enough fast enough in this person’s eyes.  He will whine constantly about how he is the only one taking preparations seriously, and how everyone else is a lazy bum.  He will become frantic on a daily basis, admonishing the group or community on their lack of urgency.  In a leadership position, this person is a nightmare, creating constant waves of tension and panic, instead of calmly offering solutions or constructive criticism.
Obsessives are generally unimaginative people with little talent or intelligence who use their prepping lifestyle as their only means to feel superior to others.  They tend to become legends in their own minds, dreaming of the day when everyone will desperately cling to them and their remedial survival know-how.  They fantasize about all the people who "wouldn't take their advice" (usually smug advice), crawling in squalor begging them for help one day.

The Obsessive’s motto is:  “Let me tell you why you are wrong and how you are lazy!”  Instead of: “How can I help you fix this?” 

We all need a break once in a while from the horrors we know are waiting for us.  To step back and enjoy what we can of a beautiful day or good friends is not the same as being a freeloader or a backslider within your prepper group.  Survival is about more than sustaining the body.  It is about more than chopping wood, stockpiling ammo, and slaving over a piece of land from sun up until sundown like a mindless drone just to get by; it is also about sustaining the heart and the mind.  Otherwise, what is the point of living?   

5) The Ulterior Motive Drama Queen

The Drama Queen is a man or woman who is loosely interested in survivalism, but wants to join your community for other reasons, and these reasons may cause many members dismay.  The opposite of The Obsessive, you’ll notice a strange non-involvement on their part or lack of interest as far as participating in survival discussions and decision making.  They will often hand over all their survival preparation plans to another person or persons, while hovering like a gnat around the community searching for that special something.

They may be looking for friends and social recognition.  They may be afraid of collapse and simply trying to lock into ANY group regardless of whether they fit, becoming disenchanted later.  They may enjoy the excitement of feeling like they are involved, and are living vicariously through the accomplishments of others.  They may just be looking for a date.  Ultimately, their primary objective is not to build a working community, but to get something out of the community beyond safety. 

If they do not get what they want, they raise hell, using whatever excuse happens to be handy without ever admitting their real motivations.  They will deliberately start unnecessary drama, attempt to create divisions, focus on one person as the cause of all their troubles, or blame the whole group for the heartache in their life.  They will attempt to draw everyone into their personal soap opera in the hopes of becoming the focal point, sharing strange and extremely private issues with anyone who accidentally offers to listen.
Eventually, they will be seen for what they are and will lose the ear of the other preppers, who obviously have better things to worry about, but not after wreaking some havoc in the process.

6) The Zealot

The Zealot has a perfect picture in his mind of how his survival community is going to look.  Absolutely perfect.  The problem is, all people are imperfect and all have different conceptions of life, and this disturbs and disrupts the Zealot’s fantasy.  It is one thing to be careful in whom you associate with when assembling a prepper organization, but it is entirely another to hold everyone to insane standards that even you cannot meet.   

The Zealot usually wants to be in charge so that he can vet and control each member of the group, but this is not always the case.  Zealots are also sometimes highly anti-social, showing interest in a group for a short time and then suddenly walking away as if no one is up to par.  He may base his zealotry on a misplaced religious fervor or philosophical inflexibility, but he will not be happy until everyone sees the world the way he does, or until they meet his grandiose brand of moral flawlessness.  For him, it is not enough that the community around him shares a love for liberty and a disdain for tyranny, they must also be “spiritually pure” in his eyes. 

One mistake or disagreement by a member of the group earns them a black mark on the Zealot’s list which he never forgets.  From then on, that member is the enemy, and the Zealot will engineer conflict after conflict until the person gives up and goes away, or until he can convince the group that person is more trouble than they are worth.

The great dilemma for any survivalist is to balance personal freedom and a peaceful home life with the reality that they will not last long without relying on a group.  Other people bring talent, friendship, and safety to our lives, but they also bring baggage.  The key is to work with those who know how to manage as much of their own baggage as possible, who are aware of themselves and are willing to police their own quirks, and who have not swan dived off a cliff into extreme disturbia.  No survival community can withstand the savage assault of national collapse otherwise.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Federal Reserve Charter Expires 12/21/2012 and It Will Not Renew

Truth Behind Citizenship, Freedom, and the Constitution

The following articles/documents are provided merely as a convenience to website visitors and are not to be construed as advice, personal experiences, or endorsement of the views contained therein.  To view any of the following files just click on the link - To save to your computer, right click and "save target as"
Misc. Info:

We Gave Obama Everything, and the Nigger Failed

Washington state lights up as smoking marijuana becomes legal

Washington state has become the first in America to allow the recreational use of cannabis, setting up a potential showdown with the US federal government.

Washington state lights up as smoking marijuana becomes legal
Possession of marijuana became legal in Washington state Photo: GETTY IMAGES

In the city of Seattle pro-cannabis campaigners celebrated in a haze at the foot of the Space Needle tower at one minute past midnight, the moment the state's new law came into effect.
Vivian McPeak, director of Seattle's annual Hempfest, said: "This is a big day because all our lives we've been living under the iron curtain of prohibition. The whole world sees that prohibition just took a body blow."
The new law only allows cannabis to be smoked inside, and doing so in public is still subject to a $100 fine.
However, the Seattle Police Department told its 1,300 officers that until further notice they shall not issue tickets, and no officers were present at the Space Needle event.
On the city's police website, spokesman Jonah Spangenthal-Lee said: "The department's going to give you a generous grace period to help you adjust to this brave, new, and maybe kinda stoned world we live in."
He added: "The police department believes that, under state law, you may responsibly get baked, order some pizzas and enjoy a Lord of the Rings marathon in the privacy of your own home, if you want to."
The department also posted a picture of actor Jeff Bridges as the cannabis-smoking character "The Dude" from the comedy film "The Big Lebowski".
Encouraging indoor cannabis smoking, it carried the caption: "The Dude abides, and says, 'take it inside!"
Washington and Colorado became the first two states decriminalise and regulate the possession of cannabis in ballots held alongside the US presidential election on Nov 6. The Colorado law takes effect on Jan 5.
In Washington it is now legal for adults over the age of 21 to possess an ounce of the drug, or up to 16 ounces of cannabis-infused goods like brownies or cookies, or up to 72 ounces in liquid form.
Growers and processors of cannabis will be regulated and the drug will be sold in licensed shops.
It will be subject to a 25 per cent tax at each stage of that process. The move is expected to bring hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue for spending in areas including schools and health care. The establishment of the regulation and tax system will take another year.
However, with cannabis still illegal under United States law, through the Controlled Substances Act, Washington could face a crackdown by federal agents from the FBI and Drug Enforcement Agency.
The drug remains banned from federal property in the state, including military bases and national parks.
Washington's stance comes in the wake of an already escalating conflict between the federal government and states over the burgeoning medical cannabis industry.
The US Attorney's Office has previously launched crackdowns in states, including California, where dispensaries selling cannabis for medical use have proliferated. It has taken legal action to shut down many it believes were operating illegally.
On Wednesday the federal US Attorney's Office in Seattle said that, effectively, nothing had changed. It said: "The department's responsibility to enforce the Controlled Substances Act remains unchanged. Neither states nor the executive branch can nullify a statute passed by Congress."

The US Justice Department has yet to announce whether it will sue in the courts to try to block regulation and taxation of the cannabis industry in Washington and Colorado, which would set up a legal showdown over states' rights.
At the Space Needle, the mostly middle-aged group of cannabis smokers listened to reggae music from loudspeakers.
They included Mike Momany, 61, who said he intended to form a Washington State Cannabis Tourism Association.
Another smoker, calling himself "Professor Gizmo," 50, said: "Victory for hemp. If our forefathers could see us now."
Prosecutors in several areas of Washington said last month that they were dismissing scores of existing cannabis possession cases.
Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes said: "All we've achieved by prohibition is to fill our jails and make drug dealers quite rich." He added: "We're in uncharted water here."

World Facing Crisis-Methane Breaking Free From Undersea Molten Lava, Heating Atmosphere

When governments attempt to tell you that they need you to pay more in taxes to pay for your carbon footprint because your breath and car is polluting the atmosphere and raising the earth's temperature...tell them to shove it.

New evidence confirms that methane - not carbon dioxide - is responsible for an overheating of the ionosphere and that methane originating from the earth's breaking crust - both under the oceans and on a crustal level - is responsible for trapping heat in the upper atmosphere and rendering the normal process of the cooling of the atmosphere impossible.

The effects are immediate and disastrous, with altered climates and growing seasons.  The mentally-challenged U.N. and governments are responding with even more chemical spraying of the atmosphere, further rendering our soil and atmosphere unfit for successful crop growth.  Massive starvation will ensue and the sixth die-off of both humans and animals will occur.

Chemtrails & Massive Methane Release with guest Dane Wigington – End the Lie Radio Episode 42

More at EndtheLie.com - http://EndtheLie.com/2012/12/05/chemtrails-massive-methane-release-with-guest-dane-wigington-end-the-lie-radio-episode-42/#ixzz2EItk7Gg5

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nibiru System Moving Closer...

picture by Alberto Cardin on http://poleshift.ning.com/

What is seen is described as a "moon swirl," or those planetary bodies that are in the Nibiru system. 

San Diego, CA - taken today

What is below are STEREO images from the NASA website...which show the sun on the right...and a planetary orb - Nibiru - sitting to the left of the sun...only moving slightly since 2007.  The question is whether Nibiru is a spaceship carrying the Annunaki who are coming in for a rescue mission...and they await instructions to approach our planet.

Planet X Location

Friday, November 23, 2012

Obama, Bastard, Remains Usurper Even if Mama Not Married to Sperm Donor

Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution requires that BOTH parents be U.S. citizens at the moment of one's birth...MUST be, not "shall" be... this is MANDATORY...to be eligible to be placed on a ballot as a POTUS candidate and to hold the office of POTUS.

http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html  The truth

So desperate and so corrupt is the Democratic National Committee, Nancy Pelosi, then-Chair, and the progs - that they had a corrupt, ridiculous, illegal, and fraudulent "legal opinion" drafted after the election in 2008 to be sent to all politicians and state attorneys general...because the public might, just might, know the truth and demand an answer as to why you were ever placed on the DNC ballot. 

But Leo Donofrio, legal eagle, BUSTED YOUR BALLS... and outed this piece of garbage for what it is...http://naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com/2011/12/01/debunking-the-new-natural-born-citizen-congressional-research-propaganda/ - engaging the best legal minds in our country in a discourse and examining legal cases, precedents, landmark cases...and picking apart the so-called "legal opinion," of your experts...which an eighth-grade debate student could do...so pathetic is the CRS opine.

Leo Donofrio went on to write an amicus brief that BUSTED YOUR BALLS AND OUTED YOU FOR THE USURPING FRAUD THAT YOU ARE...a sham...a liar...a poseur...


Barry, your legal father at the moment of your birth is the black Kenyan...that is what you claim, which renders you ineligible as a dual citizen.  You are very well aware of this fact.

In the event you are blowing smoke up Congress's asses by telling them that he isn't your father, that your mother was a whore and you don't know who your father is...guess what?  You STILL don't meet the requirements under the Constitution which require that you prove that BOTH parents were U.S. citizens. 

The First Bastard?

You said...you lied...you claimed...you put the fraudulent birth certificate on the White House web site...and shoved it in our faces plastering it on your mugs that you hawk...

See...if you lie, Barry...you will get caught...and you've been caught.

And you will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER be the legal President of the United States of America.

No one can ever grandfather your ass, pass a resolution, amend the constitution - to give you grandfathered status...it can NEVER happen.

You got that?

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Break the United States into manageable parts after shoving Americans' noses into utter destitution, allowing millions of Mexicans to invade, inciting chaos, class warfare, and forcing a war using mercenaries against its citizens - that is Obama's plan for this country. 

This is what Thomas Chittum has predicted in both the summary below and in the book he has written - free and available by pdf - Civil War 2:


Date: Monday, 13 October 2008, 9:32 p.m. Mega Depression First, Then Mega Civil War in the Glorious Empire

I am Thomas W. Chittum, the author of the book, Civil War Two – The Coming Breakup of America.

My book asserted that because America is a multiethnic empire it will experience a violent shattering along tribal lines just as other such empires have throughout history. I further predicted that this implosion will occur relatively soon, probably no later than the year 2020, based on ongoing demographic trends. My book was published in 1993 and it ignited a mini firestorm of controversy. To date, it is still the ONLY non-fiction book on the topic of a civil war here in America.

Did anyone write a book predicting our first civil war? I did some research on that subject and I was unable to find a single book warning Americans that they were fast approaching an abyss. That’s not to say that people were unaware of the approaching war. In fact, many people were perfectly aware that a civil war was inevitable. My guess is that not a single person wrote a book on the coming war because they thought it would be a sort of picnic with a little gunfire mixed in, and in any case it would be over in a few months. As history records the war ground the entire southern half of America into a smoking wasteland and killed or crippled almost an entire generation of American men.

Today, people are even less aware of the seriousness of the approaching calamity than our ancestors were. If you mention the possibility of a Yugoslav-style ethnic war here in America in our lifetime most people will scoff at the idea. Five years ago most people would have likewise scoffed at the prospect of a second depression. Now, most people are waking up to the horrid fact that a second depression is upon us – that their retirement cookie jars have been systematically looted.

I’m sure that most visitors to the Rumor Mill News site are perfectly aware that a devastating depression is unfolding and that the economy is in a crash and burn mode with no plausible salvation in site. In this and following rants I will attempt to make the case that this economic meltdown will hasten our descent into an internal civil war that will depopulate the entire North American continent, wiping out 50% or more of the population.

No, I’m not kidding. I’m going to say that again – most of you people reading these words right now are going to starve to death in the tribal wars that will follow close on the heels of the economic meltdown.

Before I go on I’d like to revisit my book and go over what I got right and what I got wrong. I mentioned the New World Order in my book. At the time I wasn’t aware that the New World Order was an active conspiracy of bankers and aristocrats centered in London. I thought it was a sort of lose alliance of giddy globalists, trendy tree huggers and politically correct airheads. Then along came both the internet and the 911 terrorists attacks. I took me approximately three months to wise up to the fact that 911 was an inside job. I’d always followed military events closely and that’s how I woke up to the 911 scam. For years the American military had been encircling Afghanistan with military bases and pre-positioned stockpiles of military goodies. Then along came Osama bin Subcontractor like some boogie man in a bad movie. It all seemed like a low-budget Hollywood production. That’s because it was.

So … I got on the internet and started listening to commentators like Eustace Mullins, John Coleman, Henry Makow, Charles Savoie and anybody else who didn’t depend on the establishment for their supper.

Even before 911 I knew from personal experience that nothing in this rotting empire was as it was spray painted by the establishment media. After my book was published I got my 15 minutes of fame. I was on Television. I was a guest on numerous radio shows. I was a guest speaker at a lot of political meetings. I met a lot leaders of (mostly) right-wing type extremist groups. I remember telling one rightist-type leader that my presence as a speaker at their meeting did not mean that I was endorsing his organization or its stated goals. I told him I’d gladly speak to a “roomful of Rabbis” if they would invite me.

I made it plain to everybody that I was pretty much a one-trick pony. My self-assigned task was simply explaining to people why we were headed for a Yugoslav-style civil war and in our lifetime. I wanted to explain this to every living American, and I didn’t care two cents what their own political beliefs were. I made no apologizes then for speaking to right-wing extremists and I make no apologies now. After a while I began to realize that something really strange was going on inside the so-called extremist right-wing groups.

At every meeting there were always one or two dudes who just didn’t fit in. My favorite was a investment banker and Yale graduate. What, I wondered, was a blue-blood Yale investment banker doing mixing it up with all these guys who drove pickup trucks draped with confederate flags. Mind you, I wasn’t totally naive. I knew that the FBI and/or the CIA routinely sent guys to monitor these groups. Frankly, I didn’t give a damn. As far as I was concerned the more people that listened to me the more I liked it. Nazis, rabbis, government spooks, good-ole-boys in pickup trucks – I didn’t care – the more the merrier because my warning was for everybody.

Ultimately, it dawned on me that these obvious government spooks weren’t there to spy on these groups – these government spooks were there because THESE GOVERNMENT SPOOKS WERE ACTUALLY RUNNING THESE RIGHTIST GROUPS. Most of these right-wing groups were conceived, planned, created and then run by government spooks. It’s all part of what I call peasant management.

The powers that be know full well that their policies will always generate opposition both leftist and rightist … so … they create and subsidize false flag opposition movements that they can lead around in eternal circles thus creating no real problems for the establishment. And don’t forget that it’s the same exact scam with the phony baloney leftist groups. They are mostly establishment creations. In fact, it’s a double payoff for the establishment. They create false flag rightist groups to stampede leftists into the ranks of their false flag leftist groups, and they create the false flag leftist groups to stampede rightists into their false flag rightist groups.

Our Current Mess

Here are my guesses about the future:
The New World Order is in a hell of a jam. Both Russia and China have how shaken off communism which was imposed on them by the London Banking Cartel. Both have turned to state-directed development and growth policies and are striving to feed their people and increase their standard of living. This is the exact opposite of the global depopulation and genocide via starvation and war that the New World Order is imposing on the rest of the globe via the Club of Rome and their other psychotic think tanks and NGOs. Russia and China and some neighboring states have formed a double whammy military and economic bloc called the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
The London Banking Cartel cannot let this situation continue or it’s just a matter of time until the Russian/China economic bloc takes their place. Furthermore, it has long been the military doctrine of the London Banking Cartel that the Eurasian landmass is the key to the military control of the globe. See Halford Mackinder. From the perspective of the London Banking Cartel it’s all or nothing and here and now. The clock is ticking against the London Banking Cartel and the only solution to fulfilling both their military and economic blueprints is pedal to the metal all-out war.

It isn’t like the good old days when a handful of Zionist assassins in communist clothing could overthrow a decadent Russian government, and the tiny British fleet and army can no longer kick a decadent Chinese oligarchy around and impose imported communism. Nothing but all-out war will suffice, and that means nuke warfare.

The only card the London Banking Cartel has to play is the American nuclear arsenal. They have to get America into a nuclear shootout with both Russia and China, and the sooner the better. Now I know what some of you are thinking: But golly, don’t these guys realize that a nuclear war will leave the planet a radioactive wasteland? Now hear this: The nutcase LBC boys perceive nuclear warfare as winnable and survivable. In any case that’s the ONLY card they have left to play. It didn’t get much play in the national media, but VP Cheney has been digging his personal nuke bunker in DC deeper and deeper like a beaver on go pills. He’s getting ready for it … and so should you.
The LBC has to sell global war to the American airheads, hence the 911 terrorist attacks. Dictatorships cannot stampede the people into giving up their property and their liberty without conjuring up both foreign AND DOMESTIC ENEMIES. That’s why a civil war is in the offing. A civil war in America is not only possible – IT IS ESSENTIAL. It’s all part of the plan. Flood the Southwest with millions of Mexicans and then trash the economy so the starving and ticked off Mexicans will burn an entire geographic region right down to the ground. This should be sufficient to stampede the rest of the peasants into accepting anything the LBC pukes up and presents as a solution to the resulting mess.

To understand their logic we’ll have to take a quickie refresher course in the history of Western war. Napoleon resurrected the concept of the citizen soldier that had been doormat since the Roman Republic. He was thus able to raise massive armies of peasants who perceived themselves as citizen soldiers. Deluded as they were they nevertheless simply swept aside smaller armies of professional soldiers. The ONLY military reply his opponents could make was to raise massive armies of their own so-called citizen soldiers.

Under the new military system large populations were an absolute military necessity. The increasing mechanization of warfare didn’t change the situation at all. Massive peasant armies were still required because hordes of deluded peasants were still needed to drive the trucks and armored vehicles that delivered themselves to the slaughterhouse. There existed a rough balance between the quantity of military supplies an industrial society could churn out and the quantity of “citizen soldiers” needed to transport and then use the supplies at the front. Massive quantities of peasants were necessary for both production and subsequent usage at the front.

The pendulum didn’t begin to swing back the other way until the arrival of nukes on the scene. Massive peasant armies were no longer a necessity due to the extreme energy density of nukes. The industrial infrastructure necessary to generate a really impressive nuke arsenal was far greater than the relatively small number of professional soldiers (read airforce) necessary to deliver them.
When peasants became useless for war the bulk of them became useless. Before nukes the rule was the more peasants the better. After nukes only a smaller number of peasants were needed to produce goodies for the idle aristocrats.

Today, massive peasant armies are obsolete and are maintained chiefly on a reduced scale for theatrical purposes. They are there for peasant perception control purposes exactly as are the false flag leftist and rightist mock opposition groups I mentioned earlier. Ordinary infantry such as our current army and marine divisions are obsolete. Ordinary infantry are useful only for fighting other likewise obsolete infantry, and for suppressing uprisings of lightly armed domestic peasants … and for pure theatre.

Now that you understand this point I can get back to America via a short detour through the Middle East. The primary objective of our current insane activities in Asia is the conquest of the Asian heartland. A secondary but also necessary objective is the total destruction of our current and obsolete military machine to transform it into one more useful to insure the destruction and dismantling of the American Republic. Russia and China have both slipped the grasp of the London Banking Cartel and they dare not risk America going the same route, hence their stealth plot to carve up America like pizza into manageable mini-states.

The destruction of the American military in Iraq and Afghanistan will pave the way for its replacement by privatized military contractors formerly known as warlords. Citizen soldiers might balk at massive ethnic cleansing operations in California for example, but warlords won’t. Picture armies of Blackwater mercs composed of mostly non-Americans recruited from all points of the globe. They will gladly slaughter everything in their path including any remaining American military units who might oppose them. The LBC must first ignite a civil war in America and then ultimately ensure the that the secessionist win after their hired warlords and mercenary hordes have stomped the new mini states into malleable mush which may or may not be glued together in some sort of North American Confederation with “Ameros” for money and some multi-colored rag for a flag.
I basically think it will work. I think the coming tribal/civil war in America will be roughly proportional to the severity of the economic collapse that sets it off. Meanwhile, while you are waiting for Osama bin Subcontractor to nuke us and waiting for your starving neighbors to batter your door down, keep an eye on California. It’s the canary in the coal mine. When it croaks the rest of America will follow sooner or later.


Blogger's thoughts:  Obama has already graduated the first class of graduates for his "domestic military" and they are black, inner-city youth.  Obama will exploit the race of his new army to incite riots and provoke civil war.

Check out What So Proudly We Hailed by James Howard

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nibiru and Two Planets November 14, 2012

The Nibiru System Makes Its Presence Known...

or The Powers That Be Allow It To Be Seen

What Americans Are Facing in the Coming Takeover Reveal

In the next few months, we can expect:
a collapsing stock market
overburdened & collapsing food stamp program
closing of many colleges
ban on all gun sales & confiscation of  
massive business bankruptcies
massive increase in IRS agents
increasing arrests of Christians
massive government programs to benefit muslims
massive new immigration favoring muslim nations
increase in laws favoring islam 
integration of US, Canada, & Mexico
massive new trade legislation
re-organization of the Supreme Court
re-organization of the electoral voting system
loss of national sovereignty
re-writing the Bill of Rights, or elimination thereof 
re-alignment (aka destruction of) the Constitution
national I.D. card with chip
followed by forced RFID chip under skin
rising oil prices
attack on Christian celebration of Christmas 
massive government expansion
choking taxes
massive new re-cycle laws and implementation of same
re-alignment of banking system
re-alignment of the Fed Reserve
re-alignment of FEMA
re-vamping of public school system and education
shocking, rapid rise of unemployment rates
national, permanent curfew 
increasing political scandals
increasing blame game
increasing finger pointing
increasing civil unrest
devaluing of our currency, then 
replacing of our currency 
multiple states declaring bankruptcy
multiple state bail-outs
diminishing of State rights
more States rebelling (e.g. Texas!)
States threatening to secede
Increasing conflagrations worldwide
attacks (revenge) on conservatives
attacks (revenge) against FOX News
attacks (revenge) against Christians
attacks (revenge) on Christian Churches
more frequent & severe earthquakes
government intrusion into (aka takeover) of all news media
stranger hurricane activity
unusual polar storms
bizarre solar storms
 bizarre tornado outbreaks
freaky flooding
attacks on power plants, dams, water supplies,
attacks on trucking and transportation industry
increasing drug legality
increasing drug trafficking
increasing gang warfare
withdrawal of social security benefits
withdrawal of medicare benefits
withdrawal of medicaid benefits
increased violent criminal release (early) from prisons
increased imprisonment of Christians
increased laxity for porn and entertainment violence
legalization and push for euthanasia
rationing of ALL health care and treatment
new "point system" to qualify for health care
new, more virulent plagues
unexplained stellar & lunar events
emboldened radical islamic events
close (too close for comfort) grazes from meteors, etc. 
increased paranormal activity
increased rise in cults and cultic activity 
increased UFO activity
increased demonic (zombie) events 
pushing through the "hate crimes" laws
loss of freedom of speech
censoring of the internet
forced re-locations of civilians
increased rise in new strains of old diseases
increased rise in new strains of new diseases
increasing mandatory "brown-outs" to conserve energy
new restrictions on interstate travel
forced youth participation in civilian law modules (AKA civilian army)
orced re-location of medical personnel
loss of private property ownership
forced rental payments on homes you already own (disguised as a "TAX" of course!)
rapidly increasing crime rate
increased, inexplicable animal deaths
crushing inflation
Loss of tax exempt status for Christian Churches
massive business closures & relocations overseas
total bankruptcy of the coal business
total ban on ALL oil drilling within the U.S.
ban on private gardens (for YOUR own health, of course!)
spy cameras on every block (for YOUR own safety, of course!)
loss of national sovereignty
re-writing the Bill of Rights, or elimination thereof 
re-alignment (aka destruction of) the Constitution
national I.D. card with chip
followed by forced RFID chip under skin

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Radiant RFID will provide the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (OHSP) with an RFID-based managed evacuation solution that tracks evacuees, pets, emergency transport vehicles and commodities deployed at state shelters in preparation for and in the event of a hurricane, natural disaster or other incident to assist in reunification of families.
Austin, Texas (PRWEB) October 18, 2012
Radiant RFID ("Radiant") announced today that the State of New Jersey has awarded the company a five-year contract to assist evacuation and emergency tracking during catastrophic events.
Radiant will provide the Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (OHSP) with a managed evacuation solution that tracks evacuees, pets, emergency transport vehicles and commodities deployed at state shelters in preparation for and in the event of a hurricane, natural disaster or other man-made incident to assist in reunification of families. In addition, Radiant will manage hardware components, deployment processes and training as well as all maintenance and management functions in support of the State of New Jersey.
Utilizing the latest in passive RFID technology, Radiant's Emergency Management Solution is the only RFID-based solution designed to assist emergency management teams with large-scale evacuations by making the continuous movement of people, pets and assets easy to track without repeatedly stopping people to take their names or scan bar codes. The seamless tracking helps eliminate lines, reduce redundancy and keep families together in times of emergency.
Along with the 8.8 million residents of New Jersey, Radiant RFID's solution covers the State of Texas, State of South Carolina, and City of Boston -- approximately 18 percent of the United States population.
About Radiant RFID
Radiant RFID provides complete RFID technology solutions. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Radiant's customers include corporations, educational institutions and government agencies. Radiant's solutions are designed specifically for RFID asset tracking, event enhancement, and human accountability. For more information call (512) 351-4915 or visit Radiant's website at http://www.radiantrfid.com.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

2012 Election Theft Precurses Islamo/Fascist FagBoy's Usurpation and Tyranny

Americans are well-aware of the Spanish company owned by statist and criminal George Soros, SCYTL, that electronically flipped millions of votes.

Even when you consider all of Barry's Aliens voting:

and that his mama was a popular girl, a traveler, a Communist:

Or that Daddy was a foreigner, a British national from Kenya, rendering FagBoy a usurper now and into infinity (sorry, Barry, but BOTH parents must be U.S. citizens to be a legal "natural born citizen," therefore, you FAIL the test and NO ONE and NOTHING can ever change that fact):

An anti-colonial statist, avowed Communist, and devoted Muslim.

Or that FagBoy was a doper and dealer:

A fag...how cute..he's holding hands with his live-in lover:

Who is a closet Muslim, lying to the American people about his ineligibility, his religion, his sexual preferences...basically about who he really is:

(Note to Muslim jihadists:  Obama is a known FAG, a QUEER, a HOMOSEXUAL...doesn't your religion DEMAND that you take immediate action?)

A lying freak who spent 20 years in Reverend Wright's church:

then lied to Americans...telling them he didn't know about Wright's Black Liberation theology...hadn't eard about Wright's anti-American, hate-whitey rants and of black's plans to destroy America.

But we read Stanley Kurtz's Radical-in-Chief, among others, and learned that Obama was not only reared to be an anti-American radical, but was trained by the KGB...and worked in the Middle East and Asia...as a mercenary and terrorist.

Then married Wookie in a set-up sham ... studied Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals...learning the basics and applying them to VOTER FRAUD and exploiting fears of the poor:

A real winner...working with Bill Ayers in Chicago, stealing 500 million from the Annenburg Foundation with his Pentagon-bombing pal, Bill Ayers...siphoning off money meant for the poor students of inner-city Chicago:

The medical diagnosis of "narcissistic" applies to this bag of Commie bones, dontcha think?  He always looks like he's thinking about what he looks like. 

Newsflash:  Barry, you're an ugly puss.

But that didn't stop Barry's foray into politics in Chicago, crib to many fags, including his BFF Rahm Emmanuel...these fagboys hung out at "Man's Country," sharing ass, drugs, male prostitutes...MORE FAILURE was his modus, for he knows of no other:

Where Barry played....

with Larry Sinclair, prostitute:
Barry was mute when Larry spilled...

Then, lo and behold, after joining and actively participating in Reverend Wright's gay fix-up club, three of Barry's lovers mysteriously DIE...within 60 days of each other - and within 60 days of Barry announcing his presidential (Wha???LOL?  Barry, the fag, president?) run:


A disgusting, lying, expert in VOTER FRAUD...

Axelrodent, even then, pushed asshat, corrupt, dumpster-diving strategies to get the no-count and no-record Barry on the Senate ballot...where the FagBoy voted "Present" on nearly issue - except for voting AGAINST voting to SAVE the lives of babies born alive during abortions...

(Obama's special enemies...)

But he continued his quest in politics, living a miserable life with Wookie, hanging out with Rahm...meeting up with the "boys" for his fun...

As recently as 2007, Obama campaigned with Communists, murderers, and countryman Raila Odinga in Kenya...Odinga lost the election and then put his "boys" to work murdering, raping, and pillaging the populace...burning down a church where women and children were hiding, murdering them... until the government agreed to give him a "shared" arrangement for power.

"Barack Obama actively campaigned for and contributed cash to Kenya’s Democratic Socialist Orange Party candidate, Raila Odinga in 06-08. Odinga had an agreement with a radical Kenyan Islamic foundation, seeking Odinga’s support in exchange for support of Odinga’s candidacy. Obama knew this yet still raised over $1M of USA money supporting Odinga. This violates the Logan Act Obama should be in Jail."   Because Obama was a senator when he made this trip, his actions are illegal and actionable...even today. (everyone seems to know of a law that Barry has violated...yet the felon runs loose.)

Obama's Mommy and handler and de facto President of the U.S.A. is Valerie Jarrett, Muslim extraordinaire, who has direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and directs Barry in giving the Bros over 400 million dollars in aid, along with weapons, including Surface-to-Air shoulder-mounted missiles.  Over 30,000 missiles have come up missing since Barry took office...somewhere in the Middle East. 

Word is that ValBat gives Barry teat at night, hands him his drugs during the day, wipes his ass, feeds him, and makes him do his homework...yet he admits that his math comprehension is 7th-grade level and he barks instead of reading ... his teleprompter.

Then the Chicago Communists joined together to push the FagBoy into the White House...presenting him as the "Messiah," and "Designer Negro" and "Wonder Boy."

His record:  A BAD ONE
His talents:  THIEVING
His redeeming qualities:  LIAR
Handlers best known skill:  VOTER FRAUD

Obama and his handlers know how to pave the way ... simply threaten them and murder those who are expedient...like the murder of Hitlery's campaign chief in Arkansas...and then threatening the life of her daughter, Chelsea.  But then, the Clintons have an entire cemetery set aside for the murders that they have committed to secure their political positions...in fact, they have recently invested in a funeral home.  Less messy.

Two frauds...two murderers...caught in the act...lying to families...covering their murderous acts...filling their cemeteries...narcissistic horrors.

Questions will not go away...as Barry refuses to provide proof of his eligibility...known as vetting.  To be qualified for POTUS, Barry must be born to two U.S. citizens...to qualify as a "natural born citizen."  Oh wait!  Barry admitted that his father was a British national from Kenya.  NOT ELIGIBLE.

But he threw up a fake birth certificate on the White House web site...deliberately...to show us how much he despised us...and how stupid he believed that we were.  When we objected and proved his fraud...he then got the biased and corrupt mainstream media to actively participate in his fraud.

The birth certificate he presented to prove his eligibility for POTUS was proved to be FRAUDULENT...

...and upon further investigation, Sheriff Joe Arpaio determined that Barry and Wookie had used multiple social security numbers...which are felonious acts...

And his "selective service" registration card is FRAUDULENT as well...

By now, he's ordered the government to cover for him...word is - he threatens his enemies...and kills them...a la Breitbart.

Who is Barry?  Whassup, Barry?  Whatcha hiding?  Why?

Why is everything about you and every position you take a LIE????

Even your "legacy" - so-called health care (which is not about health care at all...but simply a taxation and control structure to enslave the American people...to kill them by withholding and controlling all health decisions)...was not your idea.  Why did you criticize Hitlery in 2008, then, for FORCING people to have to buy health insurance?  You are a liar, Barry.  Pathological.

And women who voted their woman parts - don't sit too long, your brains may not be able to withstand the pressure...

and New Black Panther Party...good thing we didn't need to teach you a lesson, but we are ready to do so at a moment's notice...HEY - that's Barry with the NEW BLACK PANTHERS...what're you doing there in Selma, AL, with the travelers???

Barry...the closet Muslim...always making ritual sacrifices for his Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda:

Raped, mutilated, beaten, murdered...American ambassador...and three other Americans...

at Barry's request to WITHHOLD A MILITARY RESPONSE...only Barry could issue a Cross Border Authority and to order the rescue of our men...and HE DIDN'T...

But his Muslim pals never had a hair on their ragheads touched...

Barry's response?

Barry, the Murderer

Much of the story of FagBoy is untold here, but enough is given for many Americans to realize that they've been hoodwinked...exploited...deceived...defrauded...

BUT the story doesn't end here...but in the hundreds of reports pouring in about voter fraud...

"The issue is in the voting software.
Millions of lines of code, sub-routine upon sub-routine, encryption, and timed, automatic write-over of code, put the election numbers in their final reported state. This is untraceable and would take YEARS to uncover as there is too much to sift through and analyze."

“If representative stratified samples are taken of paper ballots, statistically it can be determined with precision accuracy what the final votes should have been based on those paper ballots. If the statistical estimates based on the representative stratified samples don’t match the electronic election results, then there is a problem with how the electronic results were tabulated. It could take a tremendously long time to try to find problems in software coding if the software program used to tabulate the votes is very large or sophisticated, but you don’t need to identify the software problem if representative stratified sampling shows that the electronic tabulation doesn’t match the statistical estimates. If representative stratified sampling shows that the electronic tabulation doesn’t match the statistical estimates, it evidences that the electronic tabulation is flawed.”
MamaGrizzly  http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/11/ron-paul-the-election-shows-were-so-far-gone-were-over-the-cliff/comment-page-1/#comments

According to LameCherry:

 "So W. goes in with the Architect, Puffy Lips Rove, and they make all the charts the WHI is going over and they win one for Pap Bush over Al Gore, in a horrendously horrid election where a normal campaign adviser could have won over Gore by 20 points due to Clinton fatigue.

So not to trust to Karl's idiocy again, the Bush camp decided to employ that infamous black box voting which was quite black box, and if you recall in 2004, John Kerry's people had numbers which showed him trouncing Bush until the "numbers" came in...........Karl Rove's numbers.
Yes George W. Bush stole the 2004 election by Karl Rove.

That is why Norm Coleman and other GOP candidates were partly thrown under the bus when democrats cheated as the insider information was out, that Rove had rigged the electronic voting machines.

That is why there was the mad push in Europe for Scytl and SOE in America to be gained control of by the cartels who have been busy installing communists across the globe, including the lovely Puffy Cheeks Barack Hussein Obama.

Follow this now, as Karl Rove in being caught, initiated an agreement where his fraud would be hidden and Barack Obama's election theft would be hidden, all so it would come down to a 2016 election of Hillary Clinton versus Jeb Bush.
That is what this has been about and has only been reported here. It is the reality as each of these events begin to unfold. America has no free elections any longer, the 2016 elections prove everything posted here as correct."


This election was stolen the Chicago way. Until the GOP protects swing states from theft – we lose. They kept Dem cities polls open and they reported last. FL panhandle in Central zone reported before the Dem cities in eastern zone. They waited in all the key states to see how many votes they needed and created them. It happened in FL, VA and all the swing states.
The media helped them too. Calling states early. States wildly going back and forth when created voted popped up. I stopped watching TV a long time ago but Fox was helping them and all the nwtworks helped the one. We are not the minority and Romney did not lose. The GOP does not know how to stop the other side from stealing elections."


"Read this and WEEP:voter fraud:
Here is just one account of what happened in a Wisconsin polling place
We saw loads of voters being bused in from Chicago. They were blatant, and in your face, wearing BEARS shirts, pants, hats, one even had BEARS fingernails! They were FREELY openly talking about catching buses back to Chicago.
VAN loads of these people were followed from the polling place to drop off points in the same geographical area, by THREE different individuals, including Republican Legal representative, and TWO Official Project ORCA representatives/ poll observers . This area was in the 12th and 13 St. area between the 1300-1600 blocks. Many of the Van occupants were then seen entering two addresses there, according to first hand reports.
The ballot counting machine for wards 9 and 10 STOPPED WORKING, and had to be replaced 4 times throughout the day, requiring replacement each time. the first breakdown occurred at 9:00 a.m..
Wards 9 & 10 are comprised of a voter count of approximately 1,500 combined, and the highest voter turnout in past elections, according to long time poll workers there, has been in the 600 to 650 range. Yesterdays voter count was over 1160.
Never before in Sheboygan County history, have ballot counting machines malfunctioned 4 times in the same election, let alone done so in the same polling place!!
The counts were absurdly skewed! GOP legal counsel advised Passionate Pachyderm pole watchers to remain at the polling place with the ballots, until such time as they witnessed the ballots being turned over to the proper authorities at the close of the poll.
In wards with only 1500 people, there were more than 120 NEW voters registered, this too is unprecedented.
In district 4, ward 14, at the mead public library, a down town ward with few residents, is mostly business, and is just one block away from the city bus transfer station… Over 200 new voters were registered there. OVER 200!
According to WI numbers, people went into the polls, voted for Democrat Barack Obama, for president, then voted straight REPUBLICAN down the line in nearly every other race. This might be possible in one or two polling places, but is VERY unlikely statewide.
We have photos of these people in vehicles with plates from different states, photos of them leaving the polls, and the many other irregularities.
Individually, any one of these issues would be enough to set warning sirens blaring, but combine all of them together, and you get sirens, flashing red lights, and every other sort of emergency alert signal imaginable.
But Wait! There’s MORE! Oh yes, a LOT more.
The Democrats stationed a self described “BIG Chicago pro bono attorney” as one of their two observers at this small polling place. He remained at the polling place from 7:00 a.m. until well after 8:p.m. …..
A high priced CHICAGO attorney, sitting in a Sheboygan WISCONSIN polling place, observing wards comprised of 1500 voters? …. WHY???
Why would someone from Chicago be observing in Sheboygan Wisconsin? And WHY at such a small polling place?
Finally, isn’t it interesting that this would occur at the VERY polling place in which all of the above described events ALSO occurred? AGAIN WHY WOULD A CHICAGO ATTORNEY BE OBSERVING AN ELECTION POLLING PLACE WITH FEWER THAN 1500 VOTERS IN IT, IN SHEBOYGAN WISCONSIN? Of all the places where there has been suspected voting irregularities, and OUTRIGHT FRAUD throughout the ENTIRE United States, WHY HERE? WHY SHEBOYGAN? WHY THIS SMALL WARD?
This lawyer spent the day running in and out making, and taking calls, which coincidentally then coincided with influxes of groups of individuals by the van and bus loads, coming in to register, AND VOTE, using what appeared to be copied Allient energy bills.
These individuals often did not have photo I.D.’s, could not remember their own addresses without looking at the paper, and became easily tripped, confused and annoyed when questioned.
Many of these same individuals, just so happened to be dressed in/wearing CHICAGO BEARS apparel, and whom openly discussed “catching busses back to Chicago” with each other, with poll workers, via their cell phones in the lobby area just outside the polling place, as well as in the parking lot, both before and AFTER registering and voting.
One woman was dressed head to toe in CHICAGO BEARS apparel including perfectly manicured BEARS fake fingernails!
She complained because registering was taking too long and she had to hurry up to catch her bus back to Chicago.
We have photos of these people in vehicles with plates from different states, photos of them leaving the polls, and other irregularities.
Once the lawyer for our side started calling things out, and more officials for the Republicans began arriving and witnessing this stuff, suddenly the Chicago lawyer’s calls stopped, as did the number of new voter registrations, and taxi van loads of “BEAR FANS.” This was at approximately 6 p.m.
At that same time, other irregularities were occurring, and people were busily obtaining further proof of what was going on.
Pictures were taken of cars with out of state plates in the polling place parking lot, of the vans full of people, other incidents and irregularities observed and documented .
REMEMBER, this is only a PARTIAL LIST!!
This is what we are dealing with….
Who among you, (if anyone) will instead, throw up their hands, and say in disgust, “It’s over, just let it go, move on” ?
In the past, things similar to this have happened, but once the election is over, the problems are reported, but NOTHING happens. It’s swept under the rug, no one is arrested, nothing is pursued.
This is the response from local and state police, as well as local, state and federal elected officials. There ALWAYS seems to be “something” far more important in need of their attention.
It’s time to BRING ON THE THUNDER and expose this FRAUD election for what it was, especially in Wisconsin and Ohio, perhaps in Florida and Virginia as well.
Had Romney won Wisconsin and Ohio, let alone those states along with Florida, Colorado, and Virginia, would the stock market be taking a nose dive this morning?
Would business owners nationwide be issuing the pink slips, thousands will receive in the coming days, weeks, and months?
PP’s believes this election was not won, it was stolen.
THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST of what happen here in 13 hours!!
This is what we are dealing with. THIS IS WHAT IT HAS COME DOWN TO!"

Barry, baby, we've known who you are all along...and we won't let you rest, FagBoy.

It will be nice to see you in your loincloth...loping across the plains in your homeland...where you belong.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Final Indictment of Barack Obama


Wayne Allyn Root                

Mitt Romney is a gentleman who gives millions to charity. A man of faith, he served as a pastor at his church. Mitt loves this country. Being a nice guy is a great thing in life, but a disadvantage in politics. So, I’m going to say what Mitt is too nice to say.

As we approach Election Day 2012, let me lay out the final "Indictment of Barack Obama." It’s too late to play nice, to not tell the raw, unvarnished truth. If we don’t tell the truth (and fast), we are going to lose America, capitalism, and our children’s future.

The truth is Obama is destroying the American dream. President Obama may be a good husband and father. He may think he is doing right. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Nice or not, Obama believes government has the answer to every problem. He believes in punishment of the successful (i.e. job creators). He believes in income redistribution. He believes in massive spending and debt. He believes in rules, regulations, and mandates – that government always knows best.  The truth is those beliefs don’t work. You don’t need to look far to prove these theories are disastrous. Europe has been following Obama’s plan - big government, big unions, big spending, big taxes, big entitlements, big pensions, "free" healthcare, too many government employees, and unlimited spending on green energy and high speed rail. The result? Economic disaster. Greece, Italy, and Spain are enduring a tragedy few can comprehend. France is next.  

America, under Obama, is following the same path. On Tuesday, before it’s too late, Obama needs to be indicted by the American people.  

Here’s the case. Judge for yourselves:

*As of Election Day, unemployment is 7.9%, the highest for any incumbent since FDR.
 More importantly, the REAL unemployment rate is in the range of 15%…Higher than in most years of the Great Depression.
 *Unemployment in the black community is 14.3%.
 *Unemployment and under-employment for college graduates is a staggering 53%.
 *The Labor Force participation rate for men is the lowest since 1948.
 *Under Obama food stamp growth is 75% greater than job growth, with a record 46 million Americans now on food stamps.
*An unfathomable 11 million Americans are on disability, a number larger than the population of a majority of states.
 *One sixth of all personal income in the USA comes in the form of a check from the government. *The housing collapse is deeper than the Great Depression.
*The net worth of the average American is down 40%. *New business startups are at the lowest level in 30 years.
 *The U.S. credit rating has been downgraded for first time in history.

The truth is we are experiencing unimaginable economic wreckage, crisis and collapse from coast to coast.  None of this is a coincidence.   With 60,000 new rules, regulations, and mandates Obama has turned the entire U.S. Economy into a hostile work environment, closely following Cloward and Piven’s plan to overwhelm the system with debt and entitlements, to purposely collapse the U.S. economy and destroy capitalism. Obama demonizes entrepreneurs and risk-takers. His EPA is putting the coal industry out of business. Thousands of new IRS agents have been hired to harass & intimidate business owners. Massive tax increases are looming including 23 new Obamacare taxes. Obama has added an unconscionable $6 trillion to the national debt. Federal debt and unfunded liabilities are now an inconceivable $115 trillion. Add to that the cities, counties and states that are broke and insolvent (the debt in Obama’s Cook County, Illinois is now an incredible $108 billion)…It’s clear only one thing is working in America...Obama's plan.

Mitt is too nice to say it, but I will. Good intentions, or not, Obama is ruining our country, declaring war on business owners, hooking Americans on government handouts, reducing the quality of our children’s future. This is a man making a mockery of the Constitution and everything our Founding Fathers believed in.

Obama didn’t “save” the auto industry. He stole $25 billion from you and me to protect union pensions, bribing them to give him millions in campaign contributions. Then Obama used the power of government to gain revenge on his opponents- allowing private sector autoworkers to lose their pensions and closing profitable auto dealerships owned by Republican contributors -- immoral, if not criminal.

It’s time to stop playing nice before we have no economy or country left to defend…before unions strangle the life out of the private sector…before taxpayers are sucked dry to pay for a food stamp and unemployment benefits economy…before “free” health care adds trillions in debt to our children’s burden…before Obama's extreme views on energy leave us dependent on nations that hate America and support terrorism...before Obama uses Executive Orders to render Congress and the Constitution meaningless… Before every terrorist attack is given a politically correct name…before more victims are blamed when Islamic radicals slaughter them over a cartoon, book, or film…before every child is taught to remove God from their daily lives…before every Bible is permanently removed from our military bases and hospitals…before all religious celebrations are permanently removed from our White House.

Mitt Romney is our last stand, our line in the sand. For capitalism. For small business. For our Judeo-Christian values. For our children and grandchildren’s future. For the survival of the American dream. And yes, for our guns and Bibles. Forgive, but never forget when you walk into that voting booth.   Remember that Osama bin Laden is dead…and so is a United States border agent who died in the Fast and Furious scandal…and so is our Ambassador and 3 brave young men abandoned and left to die at our Libyan embassy…and so is the U.S. economy.

Remember that as broke as America is, Obama is giving $450 million of your taxpayer money to the extremist, American-hating, Muslim Brotherhood leaders of Egypt. Remember Obama denigrates those that cling to old fashioned ideas- God, country, faith, family, capitalism, and our American exceptionalism. Remember Obama presided over a Democratic convention that booed God. Three times. Remember those images before you walk into that voting booth.

Now, let’s go out and reclaim our country.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Protest Votes for Paul/Johnson or No-Voters, Watch This

Bill Whittle says that Conservatives outnumber liberals two to one. If we don’t win this election, it is because of those who either don’t vote…or choose either Ron Paul or Gary Johnson – who have no chance of winning.